Chapter 29

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The house was silent as I laid on my bed. Not a single sound echoed in the house. There was no one walking up the stairs. There was no echo from the kitchen. He didn't call out to me. The cold house didn't bother me anymore.

I laid on the bed, staring up at the stars on my ceiling.

Yesterday was overwhelming. I came home after crying my eyes out to Ramon. He made me food while I watched. No one was here as I ate in silence. He told me he could stay but I told him I was fine.

I couldn't sleep in this house anymore. He was murdered here, in this house where everything was changing. I could hear the sound of the gunshot echoing off the walls in this house.

I needed to leave this place. To leave behind the constant memory of this house and the pain that came with it. I had enough money to move into a flat somewhere, only me. There was money stashed in every corner of this room. I could buy a house if I wanted too.

A knock on the door downstairs made me sit up quickly. I knew she was here. I walked out of my room and headed downstairs and I opened the front door to see Mary.

She was standing there in her blue dress and with the same braids. She looked up at me. "I got dressed and came here when it just clicked." She said to me.

I opened the door and let her walk inside. I had come home yesterday and when I had seen the blood still in the room, I needed to clean it. I spent all day yesterday, scrubbing the floors, cleaning the walls, washing the blood away from the house.

There was an invisible trace of blood everywhere though. I couldn't see it but I could feel it as Mary walked past the room and sat down on the stairs. She patted the space next to her and I walked towards her and sat down. I laid my head against her shoulder and closed my eyes.

"You can move in with me." She said to me softly.

"I think I might move out of this area. There are too many memories here." I told her.

If there was anyone that needed to know, it was Mary. I couldn't keep it hidden from her. No more lies.

"Will you tell me what happened?" She held my hand in between hers.

I nodded. No more lies. I started to tell her about Logan and the fighting, and everything else in between. I didn't dare look at her face. I told her how this was all my fault because if I had agreed, nothing would have happened to me.

She pulled away from me and I looked up at her. "Your dad would not have wanted you to waste your life like that. He honestly didn't care at all that he was not getting the help he needed." She smiled at me. "Remember when we called you on your birthday?" She asked me and I nodded. "We ended the call and he said to me, 'Mary, she looks happy.'"

Mary chuckled to herself. "I said to him that you always do and he said no. He told me today was different. You look happy. He kept on saying that to me until I agreed. He would never blame you." She wiped the tears I felt falling down my face. "How about I make you some breakfast and we can go visit him today?" She asked me, a small smile on her face.

"I need to go to school." I told her.

I couldn't visit him without killing Logan. I couldn't stay in this house constantly. I needed to go to school to ask where Cameron lived. He would tell me, I would make sure he did.

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