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Imogen and I were modelling, showing different acts of relationship troubles. "Ok, so now Immy I want you to turn around and look up at Ashton" She did so, and looked at me with such fear on her face but a mysterious lust in her eyes. "Look at him, as if he was your nightingale!" Tiffany joked. Imogen swallowed hard. I slowly moved my hand, tucking her hair behind her right ear. "No…I'm not your nightingale…" I muttered. "I'm your batman…Hello Immy." I smiled. Her eyes widened as tears formed quickly at the edges. She gasped, and slowly backed away. My face dropped from the smile as I stepped forward. "You remember?" She asked, her voice getting caught in her throat. I bit down on my bottom lip and nodded. She shook her head as her face screwed up, she turned around to run away. "Wait!" I said grabbing her hand. The camera flashed before Immy let go and ran out of the room. "What did you say to her?" Tiffany asked in an irritated tone, marching right up to me. I sighed, I couldn't explain. "I'll go and see if she's ok!" "No let me!" I said as I grabbed Tiffany's shoulder. I quickly walked out of the studio. When I reached the reception I saw Immy walking to the revolving door. My pace slowed down as I walked outside, towards Immy who was sat on the top step. "Immy…" I muttered, standing behind her. "Do you actually remember me this time? Or is this some kind of sick joke?" She said angrily through the tears. "I've been having episodes of remembering you, and then they'd go and I would have no idea who you are. But I found photos, of us and the boys before the accident, and it all came flooding back in pieces. After today, seeing you and having the final memory of you come back… It's like the puzzle is complete." She turned round and looked up at me. Her face was flushed, make up running down her cheeks. "I'm sorry… I said I would never leave you…And I did exactly that, in the worst way possible." She shook her head. "The worst way would have been if you died." I quickly sat down beside her. "In a way I did, in your eyes it was kind of like I had died. I had no idea who you were, and you had to leave the house, not see the guys and everything. Live life without me…And that all happened because of me being in a rush to ask you to marry me, so you could stay in my life forever…But it ended in the complete opposite." I sighed. Immy pressed the back of her hands against her eyes. "It doesn't matter now anyway, you've got a new girl in your life and I… I have a new guy…" She muttered, as she removed her hands and stared at the ground. "You have someone else?" I said, feeling a little thrown back. She nodded. "He's good and everything, but he's not you." She turned to look at me, really looking at me. I narrowed my eyes on hers, she was still just as I remembered her. Even though it was just over a year ago, she was still the same girl. Just more grown up. I looked away, as we both sat in silence. "I was pregnant Ashton" Immy said suddenly. I stared at her with wide eyes, as she nibbled at the side of her mouth. "I lost it a few days after the accident, because of the impact and everything…I didn't know until then…" "I'm so sorry.." I said, my voice trembling. "It's not your fault Ashton…It's all in the past now" She said, faking a smile. Suddenly her phone began to ring. "Hello…" She glanced at me before standing up and wandering off behind me. I couldn't get my head around it, I had lost two important people in one night. I looked over my shoulder at Immy. She was biting down on her nails as she spoke down the phone, glancing back at me every now and again. Within a couple of minutes she walked back to the step. "That was Austin, he's just round the corner so he's giving me a lift home…" She said. "Austin?" I asked. "My boyfriend…" She muttered. She started walking down the steps. "Could you tell Tiffany I felt sick and had to go home, and tell her I apologise and will phone her later!" I stood up quickly. "Wait Immy… We should catch up you know, over a coffee or something." She looked at me for a few seconds before walking up to join me at the top step once again. "I'm sorry Ashton, but time's moved on…And so have I" She kissed my cheek before rushing down the steps and getting into the car which waited for her at the end of the steps. My phone started to ring in my pocket, I looked at it and saw Maria calling. I rejected the call, sat back down on the step, and rubbed my hands together, getting lost in my thoughts. 

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