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Austin was about to storm right up to Ashton, but I placed my hand on his chest. I removed it as I walked towards Ashton, grabbing his arm and leading him outside. "What are you doing Ashton?" I asked. "I'm coming with you to England" He said. "How did you-" "I  model for TWLOHA too sometimes, remember? I asked them if they needed any help, and they said I should go to England with you" I narrowed my eyes at him. "You have to be joking?" He shook his head. "Why would you do that?" "I'm going to win you back" I shook my head, I couldn't believe what he was saying and how sure he was of it all. "Well, good luck with that. Austin is coming with me" His face dropped slightly. "And, I'll only be seeing you in the work hours, apart from that…" I shrugged my shoulders. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to my party. Goodnight Ashton". I closed the door on him, leaning back against it. "This can't go down well" I sighed. "What did he want?" Austin asked as I walked back into the room. "Nothing, he was just a bit drunk that's all!" A small smile appeared on his face. "What were you going to say?" I asked. "Oh nothing, nothing important!" He said before kissing my cheek and leading me back to the party. 

Austin and I boarded the plane, handing our tickets to the air hostess so she could take us to our seats. "Madame if you follow me…" "Can't you take both of us? We're sat next to each other!" "I'm sort madame, but you are not sat together. Now if I show you your seat" I looked back at Austin who looked as lost as me. "Madame.." The woman said. "Thank you" I muttered sitting down. I was looking down the aisle to see where Austin was taken to, as soon as he sat down he turned back and shrugged his shoulders at me. "Hey guys, I'm on the plane now! About to fly to the UK. Of course I'll try my best to meet some of you guys, but look who's sitting next to me!" I moved my head from leaning out of the aisle, and looked forward to see a mobile phone with the camera on me, moving my head further round I saw Ashton sitting right next to me. "She's so surprised bless her!" He said to the phone before taking it back into his lap. "Hello!" He beamed as he tapped away. "You had me moved next to you didn't you?" A smirk grew on his face. "Didn't you!" "Yeah I did… But you love it really.." "Don't be stupid, I'd rather be sat with my boyfriend like I was meant to!" I said. "Well why aren't you then…" "What?" I said looking at him confused. "Why aren't you? You could… Look for yourself." I looked down the aisle. "Your original seat is still there, it's not taken. So why haven't you got up and sat with him?" I stared at Ashton, I didn't know what to say. I could easily get up and sit with Austin, but I physical couldn't. My body just didn't want to move. I quickly turned so I was facing forward, sinking down in the seat a little and that's when Ashton left me alone. 

I opened my eyes, my head on its side. I was still on the plane, I quickly put two and two together and sat up straight, brushing my hair away. Ashton chuckled. I hadn't meant to fall asleep on Ashton's shoulder, I was burning with humiliation. "Don't get all worked up about it, it's not like you've never fallen asleep on me before!" Ashton said. "Yes but now there are boundaries." "I don't think so…" "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked as a smirk appeared on his face. "Oh nothing, you just mumbled my name a few times whilst you were asleep. It was cute!" My eyes widened. "I…I…" I stood up from my seat and hurried to the back of the aisle and shut myself away in the toilet. "What is going on!?" I said to myself as I breathed heavily. I took my phone from my pocket, went onto my photos and clicked play. I hadn't watched this particular video in months, trying to move on and forget those times. "Is it on, is it on me?" Ashton asked, looking behind the camera at me. He cleared his throat. "Hello Immy…" He laughs, and you can hear me laughing in the background. "If you stuck to my rule, about watching this the next time we're on our way to England together, then well done. If not, you're a bad girl…Which is turning me on!" "Ashton!" I sighed. "Sorry… Uh, but I guess this is a message to the future you. And uh, I don't want you to watch this until you're sat by me on a plane to England. We're in England right now, and it's been amazing… Even the sex is better here!" He laughed. I saw my arm slap his. "Sorry sorry! Uhm…Anyway, I hope that the next time we come to England we're married and we're coming here to move to our new home. I know how much you love England, and I love it too." Ashton grabs the phone from my hand and points it at me. "Why you crying baby?" He asks. I shake my head and smile. "I just love you that's all…And I think the alcohol is kicking in!" I laugh. "Oh and future Immy" He turns the camera back on him. "You were talking about dying your hair the other day, a dark brown or something… And, I don't care if you have dark brown hair in the future, or purple hair. I just want you to still be my Immy, who I love very much. This has turned out very soppy, and I'm sorry about that! See you soon!" He kisses the camera before the video ends. A couple of tears fall onto the screen. Well this was it, we were on our way to England together, sat next to each other. But we weren't married, we weren't even together. I had another man who I loved, a couple of rows down from me, who i hadn't even bothered to get up and go and sit with. I still  had the notes Ashton had on the night I lost him, taking them with me everywhere and reading them late at night if I felt alone, even with Austin in bed beside me. Always taking the long drive home just so I pass his house to see if he was in, remembering how it was once my home. I closed my eyes to let the tears roll down my cheeks before letting out a moan in pain. What had I done? Why did I walk away? I could have helped him remember, but instead I made myself forget. 

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