A Fresh Start

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Hey, Readers! Sooo I hope you guys enjoyed that prologue. I really tried my best so that each person would have a different scenario. Also, I chose these couples out of what would make things a little more.....dramatic >:). So if you know anyone who ships any of these three couples, then tell them to come and read this book! Arigato! Anyhoo, here's Chapter one of Let the Rai Fall! This chapte is in LucyxNatsu Point of View so just wanted to tell ya!


Lucy P.O.V {Boy do I miss doing that}

"Lucy...Lucy..Lucy!" I woke up startled, my heart racing to it's extent. My vision was blurred without my glasses, so I couldn't see who was talking to me. I put on my glasses and my vision focused, and I saw my little brother, Len, waving his hand towards my face. "Hey! You're going to be late for your first day!"

"First...day?" I yawned, staring at my alarm clock. It was already seven fifteen. My eyes widened as I grabbed alarm clock. "Is it already that time!" I quickly got out of bed, but ended up tripping over my own covers, falling to the ground. I could hear my brother give himself a face palm. "Now is not the time to be fooling around! Hurry! Cousin Mira should be picking us up very soon!"

"Alright, alright! Just help me find my uniform skirt!" I was rummaging through my wooden wardrobe, grabbing my brand new uniform shirt and vest. I was throwing my clothes all over the place, until I finally found it in the bottom of the pile. Len handed me my skirt, and I changed faster than I bet anyone has in the last century. I ran to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess. "Great, just great," I muttered. I quickly brushed my hair and braided it into two like I usually do. I quickly brushed my teeth while yelling, "Len! Grab me an apple!"

After I spit out the toothpaste, I ran to grab my shoes and quickly put them on. Len threw me an apple and I caught it with ease. I took a deep breath and looked at our little clock in the middle of our house. Seven-thirty. I sighed with relief. "Just in time."

Len ran up to me. "Nice one, sis!" I smiled and gave him a high five. At that moment, we heard honking from outside. "Well, that's our ride!" We walked outside our house, locking the door behind us, and we saw our cousins Mirajane and Lisanna in the car, waving at us. "C'mon, lazy bones! You don't want to miss your first day, do you?"

To be honest, I just want it to be over soon, I muttered in my mind. But I stayed quiet as I sat in the back with Lisanna while Len sat in the front with Mirajane. Lisanna gave me a quick hug, and I hugged her back. "Are you ready, Lucy?"

I nodded. "I am...I hope."

"Aw, c'mon! You'll do great! For a girl who's had to learn five years worth of learning in just one, you've done a pretty outstanding job."

"Yeah," Lisanna agreed. "And you passed the entrance exam with flying colors!" I smiled and thanked her for her enthusiasm. I stared out the window and just sighed. It's been six years since the incident. You'd expect a girl like me to just get better in a matter of months, right?


I was in a coma for five years, and it was only last year I suddenly woke up from that long sleep. There were definitely several surprises when I woke up, one of them was Len. According to eldest cousin Mirajane, my mom was pregnant at the time and didn't realize until after the accident. While my mom was in labor, my dad was hit by a drunk driver and died instantly. My mother died of blood loss after Len was born. The Strauss raised him, but he was very well known about my existence and visited me every day. I loved my brother and always thought of him as my own child, despite the fact that Len was a blue-haired child like my grandfather, while I was blond like my parents.

Let the Rain Fall (Gale, Nalu, Jerza )Where stories live. Discover now