Hospitals and Noodles

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Hey Guys! So I've decided to do something weird. Well, I wanted to do it now, but it's too late, and I was really inspired by Cryptic_Eyes to do so! So here's my FIRST announcement: Next year, I'll be submitting A Dragon's Burning Love to the Watty Awards...I don't know why, so don't ask. I just feel like it might actually win since it has over 150,000 views! So, yeah, don't forget to vote? Lol now for my second announcement: remember that preview I gave you guys? Well, I got an A on that and I'll be posting it to Wattpad starting next Friday. And because it's all prewritten, ya'll won't have to bother me with the "PLEASE UPDATE OR DIE" stuff and thaaangs. LOL Anyhoo, here's Chapter 18, ENJOOOOY!!!! :3


Levy P.O.V

I immediately texted Erza and rushed to the hospital when I heard about Lucy. My heart was beating terribly as I thought about my friend in the hospital. I ran through the automatic doors and looked around. I noticed Natsu sitting on the chair, his face buried in his hands. I quickly walked up to him and asked, "What the hell is going on?"

When he lifted his head from his hands, they were wet with tears. My face fell with shock. "They're not telling me anything. She's in the O.R, and they're not giving me a single update." I sighed and rubbed my forehead. I sat next to him and asked, "Did you call her brother?"

He nodded, sniffing a little. "His teacher is bringing him to the hospital as we speak." I could tell by the sound of his breathing that he's been crying. He was trying to hide them, but he wasn't doing any good. I hesitated for a moment, but finally rested my hand on his shoulder. A tear slowly fell from my eye. "She's going to be okay," I assured him. "She's going to be okay."

Erza and a little boy who might've been her brother came rushing in. The little boy looked over at Natsu with big wet tears. He ran up to him and asked, "Where is she! Where's Lucy!"

"Hey, she's alright," Natsu told him. "She's just getting stitched up, that's all. You're Aunt Mira is doing the best she can." The little boy embraced Natsu and began to cry in his arms. Natsu looked up at the ceiling, trying not to lose his cool once again. I got up and walked towards Erza, who was also freaking out. "How is she! Is she alright?"

I shrugged. "I just got here. So far, Natsu hasn't been updated. He's pretty shaken up."

"I just hope she's okay," Erza prayed. "She's too good for this." We embrassed each other in a hug. We sat down for hours, waiting for the results of Lucy. Natsu couldn't sit down and paced back and forth. I told Natsu to sit, but he just ignored me. Suddenly, my phone began to buzz. I looked and saw that Gajeel texted me. Hey, where r u? My tutoring session should've started an hour ago? I cursed myself for forgetting. I texted him back. I'm at the hospital. Lucy was just admitted. Almost immediately, he replied. Stay put, I'll meet you there. I slightly smiled. It was nice how he cared. Suddenly, a women came out through the doors wearing light blue scrubs and bloody plactic gloves. She walked over to us, making us stand. The little boy ran up to her and grabbed her scrubs. "Aunt Mira, where is she! Where is Lucy!"

The woman smiled. "It was tricky, but we were able to restore the frequency in her pacemaker. She's going to be just fine."

"Can I see her?" The little boy asked.

Mira nodded. "Nurse Tay, can you take Len to see Lucy? She's in her usual room." The nurse took Len away, leaving just the four of us. She looked at Natsu, her face turning serious. "Natsu, what excactly happened?"

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