A Brother's Intuiton

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Hey, Readers! Sorry about the late update! I started high school three weeks ago...and DAAAAAAAAAMN! I'm only a freshman and I'm taking all these hard classes and shit! So if you guys want to blame someone for the late updates, blame HIGH SCHOOL :D! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 13, ENJOY!


Ezra P.O.V

I found myself waiting outisde the school building at night, waiting for my teacher to take me to his twin brother's dojo. The whole thing felt so weird and unnatural to me. Some would think of it as inappropiate in a whole new level. Either way, I was still freezing up impatiently. It was almost December, just one week away, which mean that the weather would get more harsh.  There was already ice on the roads  and the air was so cold that you could see your own breath. What made it even worse was that I was wearing a skirt and the warmest thing I had on me was a hat. Where the hell is he? 

Mr. Fernandez finally walked out from the building with a cup of steaming hot chocolate and his leather satchel. I huffed at gave him a stern look. "What took you so long? I thought I would die of hypothermia out here!"

"I had to do some stuff, okay! Just be glad I got you something to waem you up." He handed me the drink, and I swiped it from his hand, taking a sip from the cup. I was immediately warmed up, sending chills through my body. "That hit the spot," I sighed. "Are we ready to go?"

"Ready when you are."

Mr. Fernandez had a black Toyota that looked brand new. A pair of fuzzy dice hung from his view mirror, moving around after every turn. "Thanks again," I muttered. "For introducing me to your brother."

"Don't worry about it," he said. "I was due for a visit with him anyways."

"So which twin is older? And do you both look identical? Did you guys do those twin things like pull pranks and stuff?"

"Whoa, one question at a time!" He chuckled. "Okay, first question: He's the eldest twin, but we have an older sister name Wisteria. Second question: We are identical, but he has a tatoo over hiseye-."

"Yeah, the one of the Divine Chakra. I've read an article about him," I interrupted.

"Yeah, that thing,"  he said. "And the final question: we were the bestest of friends when we were little. We did the old switheroo  with my parents, shared a bedroom--even a bed--, and played with each other every day."

"Sounds like a normal twin relationship," I said, breaking into a smile.

"Yeah, it was pretty fun...at least, until high school started."

"What happened during high school?" Before he could answer my question, he pulled up on a building that read "Mystogan's Dojo." I stared at it with wonder and thought, I'm actually here..I'm going to meet Mystogan-sensei! I rapidly snapped the seatbelt open and jumped out of the car, too excited to keep in my energy. I looked back to see Mr. Fernandez still getting out of the car. "Hurry up, slow poke!" 

"Alright, alright!" When we walked into the heated building, I didn't think of it as a dojo.

I thought it was heaven.

The equipment were state of the art weapons and practice gear that costed over 10000000 Jewels! Awards were mounted on the wall, all with Mystogan's awards. The floor was was perfect for any kind of barefooted event. I smelled the scent of leather and rubber in the dojo, along with the fresh scent of bamboo and saukra flowers. I looked back at Mr. Fernandez, my mind still blown. "I've never set foot in this place before. It's so...It's so...-!"

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