Redemption and Damnation

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Hey Readers! Well, today has been a wild day. Hung out with some people, finished a chapter, got my dress for HOMECOMING! And just in case you're wondering, no, I don't have a date! I don't roll that way ;). Anyways, here's Chapter 15, ENJOOOOOY!


Gajeel P.O.V

Ever since that day six years ago, I've been going to church. I know, I don't look like the "holy" sort of person, but I remember someone in my cell who was a big believer in the big man upstairs. He read the  Bible every day and would tell me different parables and stories straight from the Bible. Every night, before I went to bed, I would do a little prayer of forgiveness. Sometimes, I didn't know what I was asking to be forgiven for. I didn't shoot my mom. Was I asking Him to forgive me for letting them take me away and let my dad walk a free man? I didn't know, but praying was probably the only thing from keeping me from going all Hulk on everybody.

I stopped by at the St. Andrews church and did what I did every day before riding to school: putting a donation for the church and orphanage. My mom used to do that before dropping me off to elementary school, and I didn't want the tradition to end. I sighed and looked up at the sky. It was pure white with clouds, and little flakes of snow were lightly falling from them. I rubbed my hands together to bring back the feeling and walked back to my motorcycle. "Brother, wait!" I turned around to see a monk running my direction, wearing a long brown robe and letting his bald head into the cold. He grabbed my hands and suddenly began to kiss them. "God bless you, brother! Thank you for donating!"

I chuckled awkwardly. "It's no problem."

"You donate one thousand jewels every day at this exact time. God will thank you and you shall receive something in return!" He kissed my hands one more time and walked away back into the church. I had never seen that monk in the church at all, so  his appearance was sure surprising. I checked my cell phone to see that I had ten more minutes before the first bell. I better head off to school. I don't want to ride while ice is starting to form on the road. 

I got to school with less than a minute to spare. I was grabbed my Physics and my Algebra II books and closed my locker.  Just as I was about to make my way to class, I caught a glimpse of Levy reading by the fountain. I walked over to her and lightly knocked my fist on her head. She jolted up, dropping her book. "Oh, um..sorry," she mustered.

"Nah, it's my fault," I apologized. I got down on my knees and grabbed the book and noticed something off. The book cover read Rome's Greatest War, but the book itself read House of Hades by Rick Riordan. I looked up at her and presented it to her with a confused look. She looked away and grabbed the book. "I'm not allowed to read these kind of books..."

I looked at her with a flabbergasted book. "What? But these are just...books!"

"My parents...," she sighed. "I hide them so that my parents don't smite me. You should've seen he last time my parents caught me with this kind of book." 

"No offense to your parents and all, but don't you think they're going a little overboard?"

"They're my parents. They want me to succeed."

"But isn't this going a little overboard! I mean, you don't have to trapped in their cages all the time...Sometimes, you just have to be free." I was letting my emotions get the best of me. I blushed a little and apologized once more for my outburst. Suddenly, I felt something on my hand.

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