The Pain of the Stage

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HI, READERS! I'm feeling kind of relaxed. Some of you guys have been sending me messages on Kik, and I feel very happy that you guys really like my writing :). One of you actually touched my heart, since we had a smilarity of not really being good at anything...Remember, if you ever want to kik me, the username is EtherealAlliance! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 8, ENJOY!!!!!


Lucy P.O.V

"No, no, no!" Lisanna cried.

"Why Takumi, out of all the guys on the show!" My friend Meg cried.

"Wait, I thought she liked Yasu!" Opal exclaimed.

"That's what you get for missing a bunch of episodes," I sighed. Lisanna, Meg, Opal and I were secretly watching Nana on my phone while the rest of our musical troupe were rehearsing for our musical coming up, Les Miserables. I played the older Cossette, Lisanna played Eponine, Meg played Madame Thenardier,  and Opal was part of the tech crew's music department. We were all squished together in the corner of the theater, paying close attention to the show. "Is it just me, or is Hachi a slut," Lisanna grumbled.

"She's not a slut! She's just unlucky with men," I defended.

"LADIES!" We flinched at the shrill voice that roared from our director, Ms. Shirming. We all gingerly looked up and saw the middle-aged woman staring at us through her slim glasses. "What do you think you're doing!"

"Um....," I muttered, adjusting my glasses so that I couldn't look into her eyes. Lisanna coughed, Opal whistled, and Meg was just plain silent. Ms. Shirming groaned, rubbing her chunky wrinkled forehead. "Heartfilia, Strauss, Pucker, head over to the piano and rehearse One More Day and A Heart Full of Love! Five Times! Dickson, play all of Act 1 on violin and drums!"

"What!" We all cried.

"Now! And that's an order!" We all groaned and headed to our stations. We all sang until our throats were soar, while Opal unrestlessly moved her arms to the point where they could fall off.  After that, we rehearsed some more, and by the time we finished everything it was eleven o'clock. Lisanna and I were walking down the street to my apartment, where she was sleeping over. "My throat hurts!" Lisanna complained.

"You're telling me! I have too many high notes! I think I may lose my voice!" I cried. As we continued to complain, Lisanna suddenly changed subject. "You saw Natsu today, right?" I paused, standing under a lamppost. I sighed. "It's hard to cut ties with him when people keep mentioning his name," I hissed silently.

"Aw. c'mon cuz, you have to admit, he has changed in the past six years. He's still goofy, sure, but he's also matured as well. And the two of you really liked each other." I admired Lisanna for sticking up for Natsu, I really did, but I just couldn't forgive him that easily. He abandoned me. He broke his promise, and threw my beloved Juliet on to the streets. Along with me.

Then, a memory popped in my head. It was when I was in second grade, and Natsu was in third. We were playing games at the park with some kids from school. Were playing some sort of game that involved partners. A boy who's name I've forgotten ran up to me. "Hey, Lucy! You wanna be my partner?"

At that moment, Natsu grabbed me by the arm. "Oi, lay off Lucy!"

"How come you always get to be with Lucy!"

"Because she's mine and mine only!" That was the first time my heart stopped at one of Natsu's remarks. That day, I felt more connected to Natsu than I ever did. I quickly shook that memory out of my head. Why on earth was I remembering that day, I asked myself. I looked back at Lisanna and said, "Let's just forget about Natsu. We still need to watch the rest of Nana."

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