Emotional Roller Coaster

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Hey Readers! UBER SORRY ABOUT NOT UPDATING!!! I've been too busy fulfilling my duty as a match-maker xD There's also the matter of the following: softball, studies, directing musicals, starring in musicals, my job, my volunteering job, etc. So yeah, I'm really really sorry!!!! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 30, ENJOY!!!!!!


Gajeel P.O.V

I was rushing though the hallways, looking for one pink-headed idiot that I could punch. I had visited Lucy the other day and happened to bring up Natsu and asked how they were doing. I regretted the question immediately when she began to cry. She had told me what happened, but I knew it wasn't the whole story. I needed to hear the whole story. After desperately searching through the whole school, I found him by the fountain, listening to music on his phone. I walked up to him and just stood there until he noticed me. He knew what I wanted to talk about. He removed his ear buds and said, "You want an explanation."

"Damn straight I want an explanation. You have a lot of balls breaking up with a cancer patient."

"It's more than that," was all he said.

"I would love to hear it, if you don't mind," I said. Natsu stared at me for a long time and sighed. I sat next to him and readied myself for the story. "I need to focus on one thing, Gajeel. I need to focus on whoever is trying to hurt Lucy and get that stupid doctor to get his ass over here and do the surgery and get her all better...and right now my feelings for Lucy are going to interfere with that."

"So you do still love her?"

"I think I'm at the point where it's impossible to stop loving her," he whispered, covering his face. "I'm going to the hospital on Friday to talk about this Dr. Thantos dude or whatever. I want this tumor out of Lucy's body soon." I could tell how frustrated he was. His eyes had bags under them and it looked as if he hadn't slept in days. I gave him a playful punch on the shoulder and said, "At least it wasn't some douche-bag of a move. Just promise me that I won't see you with some other tall blond in the near future."

For the first time, he smiled slightly. "Believe me, I won't." The bell suddenly rang, reminding everyone to get to their 4th period classes. Before I could get up and walk away, Natsu said something else. "Gajeel...Thanks man. For being by my side. I probably wouldn't tak like this around the other guys."

I could feel myself slowly smile, but quickly adjusted it for the sake of my image. "Yeah, whatever man. Just helping a friend."

Later that day, I finished up my swimming session for P.E. I was in the boys' locker room wearing nothing but a towel over my waist. While all the other guys were fooling around and giving each other painful towel whips, I was just checking my phone, hoping for some kind of message from the Pipsqueak. It had been over a week since I've last heard from her. She hadn't come to school this whole past week and was under house arrest, and whenever I would walk past her mother she would give me an evil disappointed look. I hated causing all this family dispute between Levy and her parents and brother. When I saw that I had no new messages, I shut my phone off and sighed. When I opened my locker to, I found an expecting package sleeping under my clothes: my girlfriend.

"L-Levy!" I yelled, but quickly covered my mouth after remembering where I was. Levy's eyes fluttered, and when she noticed me standing before her, she smiled. Her mouth opened as she was about to say something, but I quickly covered her mouth and shushed her. I waited for the rest of the guys to get out, which was pretty fast since lunch was next. When the final boy stepped out of the locker room, I sighed with relief and felt my muscles relaxing. I removed my hand from Levy's mouth and asked, "What are you doing here?"

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