The Challenges of Us

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Hey, Readers! You guys have been so excited for this chapter. Ya know why? Because I'm about to determine the fate between Jerza. I LOVE HAVING ALL THE POWER!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! But seriously, I'm heart-broken. If you've read the new FT chapter, then you know wat I'm talkin about....JELLAL! :'( ANYHOO, here's Chapter 25, ENJOOOOOY!


Erza P.O.V

It's been a week since Jellal and I had talked. Usually he'd text me or just call me, but this time, nothing. I was in my bedroom, staring at my cell phone, waiting for it to vibrate. The longer I waited, I began to panic, and the more I panicked, I began to pace. Had I done something to upset to upset him, I thought to myself. I haven't seen him since he trained me in the gym.

My grandmother then came in, bringing a dress and a pair of sparkling shoes. "Erza, darling! Look what I've made for you!"

I grimaced at the sight of it. "And what event is this for?"

"Why for the dinner party I'm having tonight! There will be at least a hundred people over tonight, so I want you to look decent." By now I would've yelled at my grandmother for talking such foolishness, but I was too wrapped up in my cell phone. I laid on my bed stomach first and watched it like an owl. My grandmother sighed. "You expecting a phone call?"

"Kind of, not really," I muttered. I could hear Grandmother sigh even more. What did she want? If Jellal were to call or text in any second, I wouldn't want her around. She cleared her voice and asked, "It wouldn't be your teacher that you've become infatuate with, is it?"

My heart stopped. I sat up and looked over at my grandmother. "How...How did you...?"

"What do you expect? I have people following you all the time, Erza!"

My eyes widened with shock. "You what?"

"You are an heir to a multi-million Jewel company. I do it for the sake of your protection!"

"You do it to invade on my privacy!" I yelled.

"Pfft, privacy," Grandmother scoffed. "We live in a monarchy. Everything is being monitored."

"What did you say to him," I whispered. "What did you say to Jellal!"

"First, I simply gave him an offer of money," my grandmother sighed, sitting on the chair by my door, "but he is such an ignorant child. So I gave him a mere choice: you or his brother." My heart sank. I knew what his answer was. We've barely known each other for a few months.

He chose his brother over me.

My grandmother walked up to me and placed on hand on my shoulder and said, "I know how you must feel. He was your first love. But like always, your first love doesn't always last. Do you understand what I'm saying?" I wanted to laugh at her face. Out of all the years I've known my grandmother, she was never "compassionate" or "kind" towards me; even when my grandpa was still alive. The fact that she was trying to act like a kind granny made me want to laugh in his face. "Yes," I muttered. "I understand."

"Good!" My grandmother cheered. She placed the dress and shoes on top of my bed and said, "The party starts in half an hour! Get prettied up!"

"Yes, Grandmother," I muttered back. She left my room, leaving just me, a new dress, shoes, and a broken heart. I grabbed my phone and began to text to Jellal, Can we talk?

Let the Rain Fall (Gale, Nalu, Jerza )Where stories live. Discover now