A New Job

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Hey, Readers! So yeah, I'm on a freaking roll today! I was able to update so many chapter of this book and I'm super uber happy! Yay Anyhoo, here's Chapter 2, ENJOY!!


Levy P.O.V

"Mom," I yelled from the top of the stairs, "did you pack my lunch?"

"Yes, darling! It's on the table! Now hurry!" My mother called. I quickly ran down the stairs, still trying to tie the ribbon in my hair. I jumped into my shoes and ran into the kitchen. My mom and dad were already in her their work clothes of suits and ties. "I gotta run!"

"Ah! What about breakfast!" My dad called out as I headed out the door.

"I'll skip just for today!" I ran out the door, sprinting to my school. My book bag was so heavy thanks to all the text books I brought the night before. "Damn, why are the text books so heavy!"

Suddenly, I could feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I quickly answered it. "Hello!"

"It's not good to not have breakfast!" My mother's shrill voice yelled.

"Well, what else am I suppose to do! I have four extra credit essays to turn in before the first bell!"

"At least get a drink from the market! No milk or soda!" 

"Fine!" I yelled, hanging up on my mom. I took a sharp turn to the right on the street, heading to the market.  I took a deep breath, gasping for air. I looked down on my watch. Seven-thirty. "I'll just grab an organic juice box and be on my way. The school is only ten more minutes away." She went inside the market and headed to the fresh produce section. I looked around in a rushed way. I was so distracted in finding my favorite fresh apple apple juice that I accidently bumped into someone, knocking me and all my stuff to the ground. I groaned with pain. "I'm..so sorry," I moaned.

I looked up and saw a man picking up my books, putting them in my satchel. I stared at the man with confusion. He had the same uniform as me, yet he had long black hair, which was against the rules to have. I crawled up and and said, "Oh, I'm sorry! You don't have to help me."

He looked up at me. His eyes were so....red. Could eyes even be that color? He had piercings all over his face, and silver rings on almost every finger. "Here," he muttered, handing me the book bag.

"Oh, um...Thanks," I said. He nodded, got up, and walked away. I was amazed with his appearence so much that I was completely distracted. "Crap, what time is it?" Seven-forty five. "God damnit! I have to grab my juice and go!"

After I bought my juice, I sprinted to school, almost squeezing my juice box to death. I made it to school with five minutes to spare. I turned in my essays in a breeze. I sighed with relief as I began to drink my juice box. "Ah, sweet relief."

"Hey, Levy!" A similar voice called out my name. I turned and saw my best friends, Juvia, Jet, and Droy walking in my direction. I smiled and wave my hands at them. The three of them have been by my side since the sixth grade. Juvia was a transfer student from the West who didn't know how to speak English. I was the first to confront her and even taught her the language. Within time, she was one of my greatest friends. Jet, just  like me, comes from a family of professors. But unlike my parents, his parents allow him a choice of his future. Despite that, he's always been by my side. Droy was actually a family friend who was like a brother to me. These three people were almost like my family. "Hey, guys!"

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