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HEY READERS! I know, I know, I haven't updated in FOREVER! It's just high school is so rough! I got girls, boys, schoolz, parents, clubs, softball, choir, everything! I'm super super sorry!!!!! :'( I hope you'll forgive me!Anyhoo, here's Chapter 17, ENJOOOOOY!


Natsu P.O.V

In my opinion, I don't think cooking is a man's job. Especially when that man is me.

"Natsu, what on earth are you doing!" My mother scolded, hitting my wrists with a wooden spoon. "You're gonna burn the sausages if you keep doing what you're doing!"

I winced from the pain and glared at my mother. "Do I look like I was made to cook!" My mother had the nerve to hit me again, this time on the head. "We have to make this perfect! We're making most of Lucy's favorite foods: sauseges, chicken biryani, kalbi, and banana lychee! Everything needs to be perfect!"

"Geez, why does this girl love Asian food so much," I muttered. My mother groaned with frustration and moved on with my sister. "How's it going at your station, Wendy?"

"I've finished a giant bowl of the chicken biryani, and the kalbi is almost done. I haven't started on the banana lychee yet, but I'll start as soon as I finish this."

My mother squealed. She kissed the top of her forehead and exclaimed, "You're my prodigy, aren't you?"

"Yes, Mama!" Wendy cheered.

"Geez, brag why don't you," I muttered. Again, my mom attacked me with a wooden spoon. I cried out this time in pain. "You know what? This is a woman's job. Just go upstairs and get ready. Lucy and ren will be here in twenty minutes!"

"Alright, alright!" I hissed, cursing at my mother. Before she could get the chance to smite me once more, I ran out of the kitchen, up the stairs, and into my bedroom. I sighed with relaxation and went into my giant closet. As I looked for a clean shirt and jeans, a familiar object caught my eye.


I crouched down an picked up the little white rabbit. I had repaired her over the years: Lucy's blood stains had disappeared after over ten washes, I sewed back her ear, and repaired what was a giant tear in her stomach. I breathed and said, "You really want to see the princess again, don't you?" I imagined the little rabbit slowly nodding her head. "Well, you have to be patient, okay? When she's ready, Lucy will embrace you in open arms." I put the little rabbit in her special corner and began to pick out my clothes. I ended up with my red jeans, black graphic-t, and a giant necklace with a steel feather on it. I looked at myself in the mirror and ran my fingers through my hair. "You look good, Natsu," I told myself in the mirror. "You look nice."

"Natsu!" My mom called from downstairs. "Lucy and Len are here!"

It was show time.

I walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs and saw Lucy first thing.

To be honest, she looked stunning. 

 I've known Lucy for a really long time, and not once had I seen her in this light. Her hair was down and bouncy, wearing a shiny rose hair clip. She wore a read sweater with black jeans and leather boots. When she looked up at me, her black rimmed glasses made her eyes shimmer. I was going to say something, to but nothing but nonsense spilled out. She smiled and sheepishly waved up at me. "Natsu, is that the way you treat out guests!"

Let the Rain Fall (Gale, Nalu, Jerza )Where stories live. Discover now