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I understand that you might be freaking out because Christmas is over a month away, but I didn't have any ideas so stop complaining.


Before you get up and go see all the presents Kellin and your parents got you, you change your clothes into something more casual and comfortable. (Media)

You wake Kellin up, by climbing on him and kissing all over his face. His eyes finally open, and you yell quietly, "it's Christmas, you fucker! Get out of bed!"



He gets out of bed, putting on a shirt, and walking out into your living room with a tired look on his face.

"Do you want coffee, Y/N?"

"Actually, I already made us both some."


"Before I woke you up."

"Um, okay. Thanks." You hand him the cup of coffee.

You run over to the tree, getting a present for Kellin and one for you from your parents.

You lay Kellin's beside him, opening yours. You tear the wrapping paper off of the present, seeing that it's a PINK shirt.

Kellin opens his, which is a pair of skinny jeans.

You both finish unwrapping all of your presents, taking them in.

He says, "I have one more present for you."

He gets on one knee, kneeling in front of you, pulling out a velvet box.

You already know what it is, and you cover your mouth with your hands as tears come to your eyes.

"Y/N, we have known each other for seven years now, and we're living together, and I thought it was finally time to ask you this. Y/F/N, will you finally be mine forever?"

You nod your head and mumble 'yes' as he stands up and hugs you.



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