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As you and Kellin were decorating the Christmas tree, you felt a sharp pain in your stomach.


"You okay?"

"I don't know." You feel another sharp pain. "Fuck." You feel a warm liquid fall down your leg. "Kellin, I think I'm going into labor."

"Let's go to the hospital, hold on let me get Copeland." He runs into her room, and you hear him say, "Come on, princess, mommy's gonna have a baby!"

He comes out of her room, holding her in his arms, grabbing both of your bags, putting Copeland down and holding her hand, opening the door for you, using his empty hand to help you get into the car.

He puts Copeland in her car seat, quickly driving off to the hospital while you moan in pain.

Once you're in a room, they have Copeland stay outside the door with a nurse while you give birth.

After about four hours, the baby is finally in your arms. Its a boy.

Birth Certificate

Name: Bentley Ashton Quinn
Date Of Birth: December 21, 2015
Mother's signature: *insert your signature here*
Father's signature: *insert Kellin's signature here*
Prints: *left foot here* *right foot here* *left hand here* *right hand here*

"We have a baby boy." -Kellin

This imagine was requested by bands_andd_tacos

I hope I wasn't causing too many problems while you were requesting!

Kellin Quinn ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now