Starting Over

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  "Kou!!" Y/N whined, "Where did you get these pictures?!"
Y/N's red haired friend giggled, "I have my resources."
"By resources do you mean Nagisa?" Y/N deadpanned.
She only slowly nodded, and Y/N ran to the pool. The final bell rang, and the angry, fiery H/C colored girl barged into the gates of the swimming area, "Nagisa Hazuki!" All heads turned as the very angry Y/N marched up to him and grabbed his wrist pulling him to the side. The blond's pink eye's widened, and he was slightly terrified of the female second year right now.
"Why did you take these?!" She loudly whispered, showing her the pictures on her phone that Kou messaged her after the encounter. Nagisa blushed brightly as the H/C headed girl got closer and closer to his face, but was also shaking slightly as his cover was blown.
"I-I-I'm sorry Y/N-Chan. I-It's just that you looked really...c-cute."
Y/N's E/C eyes widened and her face was so red that she could put Kou's hair to shame. A few certain members of the swim team saw her face, and got worried, and jealous.
"O-Oh I'm sorry Nagi-Kun....U-Uh T-Thanks...." Y/N's face grew really red, and she sped away from the blond.
"Hey Y/N-Chan are you okay? You look like you have a fever?!" Makoto rushed over, and immediately put his hand against her forehead.
"You're burning up!!" Makoto panicked
Y/N rolled her E/C orbs, "I'm fine, Makoto. Just a bit....flustered"
Makoto nodded, and backed off of the poor H/C girl.
"Hey guys, I have to go. I have to start practicing again, but not here. I don't want to get in the way."
All of the boys just stared wide eyed at her.
"Are you crazy?!?!" Makoto and Rei yelled in sync.
Even Haru's eyes widened at the girl's statement.
Y/N closed her eyes and sighed, "Guys...I need to do this...for my dad. I need to catch up in order for me to compete with you guys. I'm not letting this disease get the best of me, and get in the way of my life."
All of the boys went silent, Nagisa the first one to step up, "Y/N-Chan...." Her E/C eyes looked up, "Good luck", Nagisa hugged the S/C girl's small frame.
"Thank you, I promise I won't let you guys down. I'll see you guys tomorrow okay?" Y/N said. almost outside of the door, swim bag in hand. The boys bid their goodbyes, and went along with their day.

At Samezuka Academy...

'Ok Y/N, keep yourself together. it's just Rin. What could possibly go wrong? It's not like you almost gave him a heart attack or anything because of your stupid disease.'
The H/C teen sighed deeply as she entered the natatorium. The Samezuka swim team hard at practice, but no one seemed to notice the girl's presence. From the bleachers, her E/C orbs were intrigued at the way each boy swam, especially a certain maroon haired boy. He cut through water like it was nothing, but was more forceful, unlike the way she has seen Haru swim.

As practice came to a close, Y/N grabbed her bag about ready to leave until something grabbed her wrist.
"What are you doing here L/N?" A familiar pissed off voice sounded in her ear.
"O-Oh...Ummm. Watching you guys practice?"
"You shouldn't be here," Rin looked to the side, trying to avoid eye contact. All he could think about was that joint practice. The day she almost died.
"I came here because I need your help okay?.." Y/N looked down at the floor, clutching her swim bag tighter in her grip.
"Why the hell do you need my help?"
"So if something happens to me in the water....I know you' m-me." The short lass said, voice trembling, and face red. Rin smiled slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. Right about when Y/N thought he was going to reject her, she felt something on the top of her head. It was Rin's hand ruffling her hair, "Alright. I'll help you, but you already know how to swim. In fact you're amazing, but...," Y/N looked up, staring directly into those piercing red eyes of his, "I'll be sure to keep you from dying on me."
Y/N nodded with excitement, and went to the changing room immediately, checking for any boys, she got changed into her one piece (I'm gonna be king of the pirates!! Rin: really...wrong anime. Don't interrupt my moment with Reader-chan!! Okay fine fine don't get your boxers in a bunch), and met Rin out by the pool again.


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