Where Are You?

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(I found out some details for what a Leukemia patient has to do during Chemo so instead of the last chapter, when she just started chemo then, she's starting it now :) )

Y/N nervously walked up to the hospital.
'Well...this will be my home for the next month.' She said to herself.
The only people that know of Y/N's whereabouts are Makoto's parents, her teachers, and miss Ama-Chan.
Y/N walked up to the hospital's front desk, and the nurse had led her to her room. The blonde woman put the catheter in Y/N, causing her to flinch slightly. She laid down on her bed, watching the poison drip slowly. Soon enough, her phone buzzed.
"Nagisa," Y/N breathed out.

From: Nagisa
Y/N-Chan!! Where are you?! Miss Ama-Chan said you quit the team, but that it was only temporary. Did something happen? Makoto said you weren't at his house when he left this morning, and none of the teachers are telling where you are. I hope you're alright. Your team misses you.

Y/N shut her phone, not answering the text. She got up from her bed, making the alarm go off, and her favorite nurse to enter.
"Is something wrong dear?" she asked.
"I brought some things from home. I'm just trying to make it feel more like home before the chemo really kicks in."
The nurse's green eyes softened, and slowly took some items out of the bag Y/N brought.
"I'll help," she smiled at her, "Two is better than one right?"
Y/N nodded, and the two worked on the room for about an hour.
On Y/N's nightstand, she put a picture of her and the guys from practice, and a sketchbook for when she's bored. The nurse, whose name is Hanako, hung up a picture of the team at their last swim meet on one wall, and another picture of Y/N and her mother on the wall by her bed. Y/N brought her laptop, and that was placed on her other side table.
After the two girls finished setting up the room, it was time for Y/N to eat the dreaded hospital food.
'It's actually not that bad,' Y/N said to herself.

The night had struck, and the chemo had started to kick in on her body. Right before the H/C haired girl fell asleep, she checked her phone. 104 texts, 12 missed calls, 6 emails, and 5 voice mails. Sighing, Y/N laid down, closing her E/C eyes for the night.

'Dad? Why are you here? Am I dead?' Y/N eyed the mysterious figure in front of her.
'No you're not dead,' he chuckled, 'you're dreaming though.'
Y/N looked at him confused, 'Why are you here? Not like I'm not happy to see you, but...why?'
'I'm here to tell you to not give up. It pains me to see my only daughter in the hospital, and I'm sure as hell that I don't want to see you soon. As much as I love you, you need to live your life for yourself, and for your friends. That's what your mother would want, too.'
Y/N's eyes started to water, and she ran up to her dad and hugged him.
'I'll fight for you, for me, and for my team.'
'Goodbye for now Y/N...'
'Bye Dad...'

The next morning, Y/N ate breakfast, read all of her messages, bringing tear to her E/C eyes.
Soon enough, Hanako came in with a....bed spread? ( )
"I know being stuck in a hospital at your age isn't how you want to be spending your life, but my daughter is in college, and she had an extra bed spread. I brought this from home for you dear," Hanako smiled at her.
Y/N cracked a tired smile, and got up off of her bed, and with Hanako's help, set up her new bed.
"Thank you," Y/N said quietly as she laid back down.
Hanako smiled and let her rest, until an unexpected visitor came through the door.
"She just fell asleep, but you can stay with her if you like." Hanako explained to the mysterious teen.
He nodded, entering the room, sanitizing before he touched anything (It's a precaution).
The bluenette looked at all of the pictures around the room, smiling at the pictures of family surrounding her.
'Why didn't you tell us Y/N....' the boy leaned down, and kissed her forehead, causing the H/C haired teen to wake up.
"Hmm? Rei? What are you doing here?" Y/N said, her E/C eyes groggy.
"I tracked down your phone. I know it probably wasn't the best thing to do, but.....we're all worried about you." Rei said, his purple eyes looked to the side.
Y/N bit her lip, but took hold of Rei's hand.
"I didn't want you guys to see me like this. I was only going to be gone for a month or two, then come back to school. My teachers gave me, and are giving me work, and notes, so I don't fall behind. The only thing I can't do is swim for a while....the rest of this season is over for me."
Rei's gaze snapped back to her, seeing the pained look on her face made his chest tighten.
"I'll be fine. Next season I will be swimming with you guys all the way through. You guys just have to promise me something...." Y/N stared deeply into the eyes in front of her, "Win for me? Rather it being the medley or your own individual race....win for me?" Y/N cracked a slight smile, tears streaming down her S/C face.
Rei engulfed her into a hug, tears overflowing from his own eyes as well, "I promise...Y/N-Chan...we will win for you."

Y/N and Rei talked for hours. The boys were going to the beach to train, then soon after they would have another swim meet.
"I wish I could go, but you'll just have to come and visit me," Y/N smiled, making Rei's cheeks blush slightly.
"W-We will," he said, slightly flustered.
"Hey..Rei?" Y/N started, earning the bluenette's attention, "Can you tell the team..I'm okay? They can come visit me whenever they want. I was just scared to see the reactions on everyone's face. This whole 'having cancer' thing makes everyone pity me, even though I'm okay."
Rei smiled, ruffling Y/N's H/C hair, "Of course I will Y/N-Chan," Rei's phone buzzed. A text from Nagisa asking why he wasn't at practice, "I have to go. We're leaving to go train tomorrow morning."
Y/N got up, and walked over to Rei, hugging him, "Good luck to all of you."
Rei was slightly taken aback, but hugged back, resting his cheek on top of the teen's head.
'We'll win for you...'

After the hug, Rei left. As soon as he saw the guys he explained everything that's happening to Y/N, saying that they can visit her whenever they want to. A sigh of relief was heard among the group. Kou immediately took out her phone, and texted Rin that Y/N was found, and is safe. The next bit of news though made everyone's heart sink.
"Y/N...can't swim with us at the next meet, or even the rest of this season. The chemo's side effects are making her weak...and until she is well done with this round of chemo she won't be able to swim, or even come to school. She's locked up in that hospital until her blood cell count is up again," Rei explained.
"Why can't Y/N-Chan come with us?" Nagisa whined, his pink eyes showing sadness.
"The bacteria in the air, and her lack of white blood cells, make her easily exposed to getting sick. If she leaves to early...Nagisa she could die."
Nagisa, as well as the rest of the group, went silent.
"Then we'll win for her," Makoto finally spoke up, his green eyes showing determination.
The entire group smiled, well except for Haru, and they all promised that they would win for Y/N.
"Then after words we can visit her and tell her we won!" Nagisa cheered.
Everyone nodded, and dispersed home, preparing for their island training.

'Good luck you guys,' Y/n said to herself, snuggling into her bed, finishing day 2 of chemo....

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