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'A 65?!?! Ugh damnit. If Ama-Chan finds out that I'm failing Algebra I'll be kicked off of the team.'

Y/N trudged down the hall, disappointment on her face. A few of her friends' voices called out to her, but she just kept walking.
'Without the swim team I'm nothing. I'm not smart, I'm not beautiful, I'm not talented....Swimming is the only thing I have....and this freaking cancer.'

"Y/N-Chan!!!" Nagisa yelled down the hall. The poor blond still got no answer.
"What's up with her today?" Kou asked, Haru just shrugged and Makoto's eyes softened.

Y/n made her way up to the roof, staring over the horizon, her own words echoing in her head, tears slipping down her S/C cheeks. The swim team had finally found her. Swim practice was cancelled for the day since this was clearly a situation that needed time.
"Ne~ Y/N-Chan, is everything okay?" Nagisa asked, walking up slowly to the H/C teen. Y/N looked to her side, her puffy E/C eyes met his pink ones. She turned around, meeting the worried pairs of eyes on her form. She could only look down, letting more tears escape.
"I...I'm failing a class...And I'm worried if I don't bring my grade up I'll get kicked off of the team...I don't want to...l-lose the only family I have." Y/n choked out, wiping her eyes.
Everyone's eyes softened, and Rei walked up to the small girl, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Y/N-Kun..I-I can help if you want me to. I'm pretty good in all of my subjects." Rei blushed, looking to the side slightly.
Y/N sniffed, looking up at her blue haired friend, "Really? I won't be a bother?"
"N-Not at all! If it means you get to stay on the swim team then of course I'll help." Rei's blush grew deeper, causing Kou to chuckle, and certain swim team members' heart tinge with jealousy.
"Want to come to my house if you can? I really want to learn, and understand this as soon as possible. I have a big test tomorrow and I want to ace it! Plus my teacher said she'll give me extra credit for doing a giant packet of problems, too." Y/N's eyes looked down as she thought of the ten page packet her teacher gave her.
Rei looked at his friends behind him, as if asking for permission. He earned several nods, and a very excited Kou.
"Alright that settles it! Y/N-Chan go home and study! I'm not losing my best friend due to a stupid class. Got it ?"
Y/N gulped, and nodded, grabbing her bag, saying goodbye to her team as her study session was about to begin....

~Time Skip Moge! ~

"So by using system of equations I get....32?" Y/N asked Rei, looking up into his purple eyes, glimmering with hope.
Rei smiled and nodded, smiling down at his H/C friend, "You are correct," Rei laughed lightly at the expression on his friend's face.
Y/N clapped very excitedly, hugging Rei rather tightly.
"Thank you so much Rei! I couldn't have done it without you!"
Rei blushed and hugging Y/N back, closing his eyes, taking in the moment.

Problem after problem, Y/N kept getting each question right, finishing her extra credit work and homework. Sighing in relief, Y/N laid back in her chair, eyes tired, and brain hurting.
"I'm so ready for tomorrow. Thank- Hm?" Y/N looked over to see Rei asleep.
Smiling to herself, Y/N quietly got out of her chair, and grabbed Rei's phone.

To: Mom

Hello Mrs.Ryugazaki! It's Y/N. Rei came over after school today to help me study for a test. He seems to have fallen asleep, and I don't think he's getting up any time soon. Just thought I'd let you know! Have a nice night.

Gently putting the phone down, Y/N gently put a hand on Rei's back, and under his legs.
"Holy crap you're heavy" Y/N breathed silently, picking up her blue haired friend.
After trudging over the house what seemed like 10 minutes, Y/N put Rei down, sorta carefully, on the couch, covering him with a blanket. Smiling at her success, Y/N brushed some hair out of his eyes, and took of his red glasses, placing them on the coffee table.
'Hmm he looks cute when he sleeps...' Y/N thought, but soon mentally slapped herself at the thought.
"Thank you for everything today Rei..." Y/N whispered, quickly placing a kiss on his forehead. The small teen laid her head in her arms, soon drifting to sleep.

Rei's POV:

I wake up after accidentally falling asleep....'Wait a second when did I get to a couch? Ugh I can't see.'
I grabbed for my glasses, but noticed a weight on my arm...'Y-Y/N-Chan!?! Is she the one that brought me over here?'
I got up carefully, and got my glasses, putting them back on. 'It's 12:25?!? My Mom's gonna kill me'
Preparing for the worst, I looked over to check my phone, seeing I had received a message from my mom.....Wait Y/M had messaged her earlier?

To: Mom

Hello Mrs.Ryugazaki! It's Y/N. Rei came over after school today to help me study for a test. He seems to have fallen asleep, and I don't think he's getting up any time soon. Just thought I'd let you know! Have a nice night.

From: Mom

Alright dear! It's okay if he sleeps over. As long as he's safe I'm not worried. Sleep well!

Heh thanks Y/N...

Back to normal POV...

Y/N woke up the next morning in her bed. Very confused, she felt a weight around her waist. Her E/C eyes finally adjusted to the light in the room, and the mysterious object came into view. Almost immediately, her face grew many shades of red.

"R-Rei?!?" Y/N sat up, almost stumbling off of the bed. Looking at the clock it was 5:00 AM, and her alarm was set for 6:20. So, she really didn't have to wake up yet.
'I mean my uniform is all set for the day...I guess I can sleep a little bit longer.' Y/N laid back down, snuggling up to Rei's chest, causing him to shift in his sleep, a faint smile gracing his features.


Y/N groaned, slamming her hand on the alarm clock. Rei was still sound asleep, and Y/N couldn't help but blush.
'I just spent the night with a guy.....He slept in my bed, and held me in his sleep. Dear God if Kou finds out I won't hear the end of it.'
"Rei-Kun get up, we have to get ready for school." Y/N shook the first year awake, his face growing fifty shades of red.
"I-I'm sorry Y/N-Chan! I meant to sleep on the couch last night, b-but I brought you to your room, and ..a-and-"
"Rei it's fine. It was actually nice. I haven't slept well in years, and waking up in your arms....made me feel safe." Now it was Y/N's turn to blush, looking away she got off of the bed, and headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

'Safe? Y/N-Chan you have no idea how amazing you are to all of us' Rei thought.

~Time skip to after your test~

"REI-KUN!! GUYS!!" Y/N yelled down the halls, running to the group before they headed to swim practice.
"Hm? What is it Y/N-Chan?" Rei questioned.
The H/C haired teen held up the test she had taken that day, and was smiling brightly.
Rei adjusted his eyes, until an eccentric blond pushed him out of the way.
"Yay! Y/N-Chan got a 98!!" Nagisa tackled the second year in a bone crushing hug.
"Haha yeah! And my extra credit packet I got a 100 on, too! I have an 82 now in Algebra! All thanks to Rei-Kun," Y/N smiled, wrapping an arm around the bluenettes waist.
Joining Nagisa, Kou also hugged her best friend, "So, you don't have to leave the swim team?" Kou asked.
Y/N nodded rapidly, "Meaning you won't be the only girl on the team, and I can swim with my family!" Y/N cheered.
Many eyes stared at Y/N, the same thing going through the guys' minds.
She really loves us.
"Now," Y/N shouted, "Let's get to practice shall we?"
Everyone nodded, and all headed to the pool, practicing their hearts out for their next competition.  

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