Friendly Neighbors (Part I)

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So this is my first~ So enjoy!

(Scene: Outside of a mansion)
Kou: Here we are~
Azusa: This is a beautiful mansion. What do you think, Ruki- san?
Ruki: Hm.... Indeed.
Yuma: I wonder if the garden is large.
Kou: Another vegetable garden?
Yuma: I would not need one if you did not burn the whole place!
Kou: That was an accident, Yuma-kun.
Yuma: Tch. Whatever.
Ruki: If both of you had not forgotten about the pasta with high heat, most likely, it would not burn down.
Azusa: ... Is that how it burned down?
Ruki: Now, please do not burn down this house.
Kou: Yes, Ruki - kun!
Yuma: Hmn... Sure, whatever.
Ruki: *sighs* Come on, let’s go.

(Scene: Outside a mansion)
Kanato: Look, Teddy . The mansion is large and good enough.
Laito: Hmph. I wonder if there “good girls” in this neighborhood.
Shu: *yawns* How bothersome.
Ayato: Heh. Another mansion for Ore-sama!
Subaru: Tch. What a waste of my time.
Reiji: The place looks spectacular and the gardens are very well trimmed.
*Every body looks around from where they are*
Ayato: Heheh. This is the fucking place Ore-sama is looking for.
Subaru: For what? For you to “reign” on? Tch. Calling yourself Ore-sama makes me sick.
Ayato: What did you say!?!
Subaru: I said that calling yourself Ore-sama is making me sick.
Ayato: Tch. You are really good at annoying Ore-sama.
Subaru: *attempts to hit*
Reiji: *stops Subaru* Now, you and Ayato have successfully torn down the previous mansion. Don’t repeat such unnecessary actions again. Ayato?
Ayato: Ore-sama will do what he wishes.
Reiji: Huh. Now, where did Laito go?
Laito: Hmn... you’re such a pretty lady! What are doing in such a place alone? You should be very careful? There are dangerous predators lingering around!
Teenage Girl: Uh... Sure. I will take your advice....
Laito: You should ~ You’ll never know when somebody might abduct you for unknown reasons.
Teenager Girl: Uh... Sure.
Reiji: There he goes again...

(Scene: Tsukinami Mansion)
Shin: *knocks*
Carla: Come in.
Shin: Nii-san, those bats have escaped our familiars.
Carla: And what do you mean by that?
Shin: Their place is only parts of what used to be a house. Aside from that, it seems that they have moved.
Carla: ...
Shin: Tch. Those bats lingering around so stupidly. They should know better how to act. Hmph. Thinking that weasel Karlheinz is their saviour. Not this  time around, bats.
Carla: Did those vampires leave any traces on where those bats are going?
Shin: The familiars are still searching the the house lot.
Carla: I see.
Shin: Another thing, Nii-san.
Carla: State it, Shin.
Shin: The scent of this neighborhood is awful. Have you noticed it?
Carla: I have before you came in. Possibl-
Mertz: The scent came from the newcomers of this neighborhood.
Shin: You said that there aren’t any here!
Mertz: They weren’t here, Shin-sama. They just moved in this neighborhood.
Shin: Then move them out!
Mertz: I can’t they have owned the lot. Aside from that, it’s ---
Shin: *punches Mertz in the gut*
Mertz: *winces due to the pain*
Shin: Shoo them out. We wouldn’t want people to distrub us.
Mertz: Its ill---
Shin: *punches Mertz more* Ha!?! I didn’t here you.
Mertz: Its ille-
Shin: *kicks Mertz* Stupid. I have do it.
Mertz: It---s --- i-----lle---- gal.
Carla: Shin, wait.
Shin: What is it, Nii-san?
Carla: Don’t waste your time on such low beings.
Shin: But!?! Nii-san!?!
Carla: Are you defying me, now?
Shin: No, Nii-san.
Carla: Drag him out once you leave.
Shin: Of course, Nii-san.
Shin: *orders familiars to drag Mertz out.
SFX: Shin leaves with an unconscious Mertz.
Carla: .....

(Scene: The New Sakamaki Mansion)
Subaru: ....! What did you say?
Ayato: You’re person who attacks without even thinking. *propels something hard to Subaru’s direction*
Subaru: Is that so? You can’t even aim properly. You didn’t even hit me. *attempts to hit Ayato that have half-successfully went well*
Ayato: *slightly gets hit* Heh. That’s just a small aim. Is that your very best?
Subaru: ....! You!
Shuu: You both don’t even think when your hitting someone. *yawns*
Ayato: ....! Are you trying to fight me! Shuu? Ha! You can’t even stand.
Shu: *asleep*
Ayato: Oi! *gets hit*
Subaru: Idiot. That’s what you get for not paying attention.
Ayato: You! You cannot hit Ore-sama!
Subaru: I just did.
Ayato: .... *attempts to hit Subaru*
SFX: Ayato and Subaru continue to fight.
Kanato: *walks in room* Reiji...
Reiji: *turns head* What is it, Kanato?
Kanato: Teddy and I are hungry.... Now, where’s my pudding?
Reiji: What pudding?
Kanato: I asked you awhile ago to do so!?! Now, where is MY PUDDING!?!
Reiji: You never asked me to make you some....
Kanato: OH I DID!?! NOW, WHERE IS MY PUDDING!?!! *breaks Reiji’s tableware*
Reiji: *mortified* Alright, alright.... I’ll make your pudding.
Kanato: *stops his tanturms*
Reiji: This the reason why I cannot leave him... *sighs*

Laito: Nfufufufu... So that is the way it goes? That’s sure is fun
Laito: Maybe I should watch this one next. It seems interesting. Nfufufufu~ I wonder if the “good girls” would like it. Hmn... It sure is fun. I want to try it. *continues watching porn online*

(Scene: The New Mukami Mansion)
Ruki: *cooking* Huh. Its almost dinner time.
Kou: Ruki-kun~
Ruki: What is it, Kou?
Kou: Oh... nothing. I wanted to see. *chuckles*
Yuma: Oi. Move out of the way, Kou.
Kou: Sorry. Uhm... many vegetables? Is it harvest season again?
Yuma: No. I got This from the moved vegetables from the past vegetable garden.
Ruki: I see. Just put it there.
Yuma: ... *places vegetables to one place*
Yuma: Ha!?! Soup?
Ruki: Do you have problem?
Kou: Ne, ne, Ruki-kun. You know we all love your cooking.
Ruki: ....
Yuma: True. Dinner’s fun.
Azusa: Especially the pretty sharp knives Ruki gives us. Heheheh.
Kou: ......
Yuma: ......
Ruki: .......
Ruki: Anyways, prepare the table so we can eat.
Kou: Hai!
Yuma: ....
Azusa: I’ll be the one giving out the knives.
Kou: .... Uh... why don’t you do the plates?
Azusa: Uh..but their not sharp.
Yuma: We handle the utensils.
Azusa: I guess I’ll handle the food.
Ruki: I’ll the one doing that. At least, it won’t burn you.
Azusa: Do you hate me?
Kou: It’s not like that! We just don’t want you to get hurt like big brothers do always. Right, Ruki-kun?
Ruki: .... Yes. Now, go. This is almost finished.
Kou: Hai!
*All three leave*

(Scene: Tsukinami Mansion)
Shin: *eats quietly*
Carla; *eats quietly*
Shin: Nii-san, how do you plan capture the girl?
Carla: Does it have to discussed now?
Shin: Sorry, Nii-san.
*awkward silence*
Carla: .....
Shin: ......
Carla: ......
Shin: ......
Mertz: *comes in room*
Carla: Do you know how to knock?
Mertz: Sorry, Carla-sama.
Carla: As punishment, go outside and wait. A familiar will watch you. Now, go.
Mertz: *leaves room*

(Scene: Outside)
Mertz: Their wasting my time. This First Bloods are cocky, however, I have to stay to figure out their intentions towards Cordelia. Wait for me, Cordelia! I’ll stand for you to be alive again. Just wait.

(Scene: Dinner Room)
Carla: .....
Shin: ......
Carla: Hmph. They burned my soup! *slams table* Where’s my ham?
Shin: ....
Carla: Stupid.
Shin: Where’s my hazelnut ice cream? Huh? Where?
(SFX: Thunder roll)
Shin: No! No! My hazelnut!?! My hazelnut!?! *acts depressed* My hazelnut... *weirdly miserable SFX*  My hazelnut.... My .... Hazel.... Nut...
Carla: *sighs* Shin. Follow me.
Shin: Uh... ? Yes, Nii-san.
Carla: (He is really inattentive.)
Shin: Oi! Clean this up.
Carla: Hurry. Don't waste my time.
~ Carla and Shin walk and stop at a patio ~
Carla: The moon is beautiful.
Shin: Truly, it is.
Carla: Now, upon capturing the girl - Shin, are you listening?
Shin: Huh? Sorry, Nii- san. I think those are the bats we are looking for.
Carla: *looks at the direction where Shin is looking at, too*
Shin: Nii-san, those are really ---
Carla: We must strategize on what we should --- Shin!
Shin: Those puny little bats! They made a fool out of me! *goes to where the group of vampires are*

(To be continued .... )

Heya~ If you had randomly saw this and gave it a try. Well, thanks a lot! I really thank you for taking the time to read. As you have guessed, this has other parts. Well, I'll post the others if it has 5 reads at the very least. (At least, I know people are interested.) If not, then I'll delete the book (because it would a waste of time to continue for nothing, right?). So, that's a wrap. I hope enjoyed.  \ (> . <) /

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