Dinner Date [Yuma]

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For some bizarre reason and whatever it was: you were left with Yuma. Yuma Mukami. The Mukami of all Mukami brothers you - for the unfortunate reasons - left and had to stray far, far, far away. Fate, as would have it, made plans for you and that you didn't like.

It wasn't that you dislike, or that's raging teenage hormones of some sort, it was that primal instinct of dislike. Most likely considered "gut feeling" but it doesn't hover there, still. He wasn't the your favorite to be friends with unlike his other brothers. He just doesn't click with you. Although, as Kou has and always been saying, you and Yuma are very and TOO much alike.

The similarity you could see, more of agree on, yours and Yuma's light brown hair, aside from that none. Ruki noted that Yuma - who is always busy farming outside - is somewhat like a hotheaded person and in the same manner; you were a bomb ready to explode whenever something troublesome will occur or your distressed. You always like on all big. You pick up fights whenever it was necessary. You like the outdoors and taking care of a few plants of your own. The only difference Ruki, Kou and Azusa can see was ---- you aren't a sadist like Yuma.

With so many thoughts rolling off your head, you failed to notice the time ---- 7:45 PM. It only 15 minutes later that you did and what time it was 8:00 PM.

'Ugh! Uh-What?! It's already eight? God! I'm late for dinner. What to eat?' You thought while the thoughts of a yummy and delicious dinner came into mind.

Heading downstairs, you kept on walking and the. stopped dead on your tracks. You heard Yuma's voice and the basket he put down. Before you made the great escape, he called you.


'Shoot. Turn around, (Y/N). Face him.' You thought. Turning around, you pathetically said: "I was going to get myself dinner." He stood there trying to belief for a moment and then went off saying: "Good. I'm starving."

'Oh, god. I have to cook for the both of us. Oh well~' You smiled while inside you are preparing to die. He left and you started cooking your and Yuma's meal. It wasn't long before you were able to make something. As you were supposed to call him, he popped out of nowhere.

"Yuma--AH!!!" You said, screaming.

"Shut up, (Y/N). I'm here. Let's eat." He said and took both of your plates and chucked it to the dinning room. You and him took a seat and prayed and then, ate. You and him seated in uncomfortable silence. You and him just ate there like none of one of you ever existed. He's just there until he broke your silence.

"What's wrong?" He asked while surprising you.



"Fine! I was eating in silence then you bothered me."

"That's it?" He said.

"Okay, fine. I could say that I don't like you."


"I don't know."

"Looks like, we are the same. I don't like you, either."


"Same reason as yours."

You and Yuma  sat there in stunned silence and stared after that, loud laughs echoed through whole mansion. After what seemed like forever, you and him started talking again. Your conversations subject changes one after another. A sudden epiphany hit you --- Ruki, Kou and Azusa is right, you and Yuma fit each perfectly. Despite the gut feeling of hating him, maybe you can open up to this bear, after all, you like bears.

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