Chapter 2, Scene 12

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Sunday afternoon lunches at Justin's parents were always a bonus for the young couple. It saved them on food supply, preparing a meal, and also the hassle of washing dishes. After lunch, they caught up on the week's events. Justin made a big fuss about the pregnancy, handing out the printed sonar scan for all to see.

'Isn't it just the most precious thing you have ever seen?' Justin's mother asked as she looked at the scan. Justin wondered if those were tears welling in her eyes. She would never admit it, but the prospect of becoming a grandmother was a milestone. She had finished the race. She had reached full circle. She was complete.

'So whaddaya think, grandpa?' Justin asked and his mouth stretched into a large grin.

'I am proud of you, son,' Justin's father said.

Justin soaked in those six words. His father rarely used them together in a sentence, so when he did, Justin knew it best to savour the moment.

After what felt like an hour's worth of superstitious advice, Justin saw it best that they leave. It was getting dark, and they still had a long evening ahead of them. Once outside at the car, Justin searched for his cell phone and realized that he left it on the living room table.

'I'll be right back,' he said and then made his way to the house. Halfway to the front door he felt that something was wrong. He turned around just in time to see a huge black dog charge at him.

'Help!' was all that Justin managed before the dog was upon him. It jumped up and knocked him off his feet. It then bit him on the shoulder and a stabbing pain shot through his arm as razor sharp canines sunk into soft flesh. He tried to scream, but nothing came out. The dog then bit into his upper arm and he felt the strength in his arms and legs seep away. Then it put its face right up to his and bared its fangs in a grotesque snarl before going for the throat.

Justin woke up screaming.

The phone rang somewhere in the distant background and an early noon sun flooded the room as he ripped open the curtains. He groaned and rubbed his aching arm as he made his way to the phone. The vivid dream still haunted him when he picked up the phone. It felt very real; almost too real.

'Hello?' Justin's voice croaked.

'Good afternoon, may I please speak to Justin Greene?'

''re speaking to him.'

'Mister Greene, my name is Louise Johnston from Cybernetics Computers.'

Justin's stomach constricted. 'Yes...?'

'I'm calling on behalf of Ian Robertson to inform you that your application for the Junior Technician position at Cybernetics Computers has been successful.'

'Oh wow...'

'We would like to know if you would be able to start on Monday morning?'

Justin sat down. His head was spinning and he felt as light as a feather. 'I...uh...sure,' he said. 'What time should I be there?'

'Eight o' clock should be fine,' she said.

'Thank you, Louise,' Justin said. He wondered if he should say anything else, but decided that it would be best not to. After they both hung up, Justin just stood there, wondering if he should call Rebecca at work, or leave it as a surprise for when she got back home. He decided to opt for the surprise route and ran some hot water for a warm shower instead.

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