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'Are you sure you guys don't want to stay?' Tanya asked. 'Kelwick really isn't such a bad place.'

'Nothing in hell could keep us here,' Justin said as he loaded another box into the truck. Rebecca giggled at his pun.

Tanya sighed. 'Promise you'll e-mail me every day,' she said as she hugged Rebecca.

'I promise.'

'We'll invite you for a week once we're settled that side,' Justin said.

'I'll take you up on that,' Tanya said and for a brief moment there was a comfortable silence where no one said anything.

Justin figured that the time for small talk was over. 'Come, Becky,' he said. 'Let's hit the road.'

Rebecca nodded and gave Tanya one last hug before getting in the car. Justin closed her door and walked around to the driver's side.

'Oh yes,' Tanya said before he got in. 'If anything should ever happen to you two, I'd be more than happy to take care of your son.'

'You're the best, Tanya,' Rebecca said through the open window. Justin started the car and both waved at Tanya as they drove off into their new lives.

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