Chapter 10, Scene 5

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Lance wanted to see Justin. Management requesting to see staff usually wasn't a good thing. Justin wondered what he might have done wrong as he walked to Lance's office. As far as he was concerned, he only delivered top-notch work since he started working there nearly five months earlier. He couldn't recall messing up anything recently. Finally he stood in front of Lance's intimidating office door. Justin paused a moment. I hope it's nothing serious, he thought and took a deep breath before knocking.

'Come in.'

Justin opened the door and stepped in. 'You wanted to see me?'

'Yeah, yeah. Justin. Come in, come in.'

Justin closed the door behind him and made his way to Lance's desk. Not too slow. Not too fast either.

'Have a seat,' Lance said and waved his hand in the general direction of where two chairs stood in front of his desk. He didn't look up. 'Won't be a moment.'

Justin sat down and scanned his eyes around the office. Mounted on the walls were various Achievement of Excellence awards; none of them made out in Lance's name. Two golf trophies stood next to what might have been his son's ice hockey trophy. Next to the trophy was a picture of Lance's wife and two kids. Justin figured the son at almost thirteen and the girl more or less two or three years older. He wondered if this is where the corporate ladder would lead to in about ten or so years and shuddered at the thought.

'Done,' Lance said and put down his pen. He looked up at Justin. For a moment there was a pause, almost as if Lance wanted Justin to start the conversation.

'You wanted to see me?' Justin asked again.

Lance shuffled in his chair. 'Oh, yes,' he said as if he needed reminding. 'We've been keeping a close eye on your progress at the sites and in the workshop,' he said.

Justin also re-positioned himself in the chair.

'And I must say that we're all very impressed with your performance thus far.'

Justin exhaled slowly and felt an enormous pressure relieve itself from his shoulders.

'The clients are ecstatic about you and even told us that they'd only like to work with you in future.'

'I try my best,' Justin said as modestly as he could manage.

'That's a great attitude to have,' Lance said and then got to the point. 'That's why we need to send you back to the mines for a week.'

There was a long moment of silence as Justin processed the information. He couldn't believe that they would do this to him. 'Sir,' he said. 'With all due respect; I specifically asked not to be sent to any sites until after the first trimester of my wife's pregnancy.'

Lance nodded. 'I do understand your concern,' he said as if he actually did. 'But you blew them away the last time you were there. They simply don't want anyone else but you. Hell, I even offered them Simon.'


'Only you, Justin. They want no one else.'

Justin didn't know what to say. He specifically asked them not to send him to a site, but he had never received a compliment like this before. He wanted to say, 'Sure, why not?' yet at the same time wanted to beat the man to death with his own golf trophies.

'It's only for a week,' Lance said. 'Before you know it, you'll be back with your wifey.' He lit a cigarette, took a long drag and then thoughtfully blew the smoke at Justin. 'Tell you what,' he said. 'We'll even slap in a small bonus to help you guys out with the pregnancy. How's that?'

Justin clenched his teeth and sighed. 'When do I leave?'

'You have to be there tomorrow morning.'

This last minute notification thing would have to stop! 'And when do I get back?'

'You'll be back next week, Friday.'

'And can I have your word that I won't get sent to another site for at least four or five months?'

'You have my word,' Lance said and smiled his million dollar PR-smile.

Justin sighed again. 'All right,' he finally said. 'I'll do it.'

'Atta boy!' Lance said and stood up to indicate that the meeting was over. 'I'll mail you the details in a minute. Let me know if you run into any problems, okay?'

'Will do,' Justin said and headed for the door.He should have felt pleased about being the only one that the executives at the mines insisted on; but for some reason he felt conned. If they wanted him so badly, they should prove it with money, not compliments. He hoped that the "bonus" would be substantial as he closed the door behind him.

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