Chapter 3, Scene 10

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'Please remember to keep the study door closed,' Justin said as he got into bed.

Why? Why must we always keep that stupid door closed? It obviously doesn't want to be closed to begin with! 'I thought it was closed,' she said calmly instead.

'I just walked past it now. It was open.'

'Well, maybe the wind just blew it open or something.'

Justin nodded. He hadn't thought about that as a possibility yet. It could very well have been the wind. Maybe the door wasn't closed properly and a stray cat came in through the window and pushed it open. 'Was it the wind that blew off the light fixture too?' Justin asked and laughed out loud at his own joke.

'That's not funny, Justin,' Rebecca said. 'I could have seriously gotten hurt.'

'I know, my love,' he said. 'It was just a joke, okay?'

Rebecca didn't say anything. She merely nodded. Justin took her in his arms and hugged her tightly. He then read her a scene out loud from his mystery novel before they turned out their individual bed lights.

Soon, they were both asleep. Neither of them heard the study door down the hallway click off its latch and slowly swing open.

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