Chapter 1, Scene 2

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Chapter 1 / Scene 2

It was Rebecca who broke the awkward silence. 'What just happened?'

'I don't know,' Justin said. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel and although his eyes were locked on the road, Rebecca could tell that his mind was somewhere else; reeling in the void of thoughts. Justin adjusted the rear-view mirror and took another look as if expecting to see someone standing in the middle of the road.

'Are you sure we didn't hit him?' Rebecca asked. She placed her hand lightly on Justin's knee, hoping that the gesture would be enough to calm the nervous bounce in his leg.

'Did you feel us hitting anyone?' Justin asked, unable to suppress the curt snap in his voice.

'But what if he's hurt?'

'What if who is hurt?' Justin asked. 'We've been driving for twenty minutes now. Even if we did go back to check I doubt that we'd find the exact same spot. It could have been a mirage or something. It could have been anything, damnit!'

Who are you? Rebecca wondered. She had never seen her husband act this way before, and an old familiar fear crept over her. All those questions of doubt instilled into her mind by well-meaning family and friends before the wedding: Aren't you a bit young to get married? Shouldn't you two get to know one another a bit better before you decide to spend the rest of your lives with each other? Aren't you a bit too young to get married? What if you woke up one morning and suddenly realized that you didn't love him anymore?

'I...I'm sorry, hun,' Justin said and gave her hand a light squeeze. 'I'm just as freaked out as you are, that's all.'

It was another half an hour before they reached the resort where they were going to spend their anniversary weekend. By the time Justin parked the car in front of the reception building, he was convinced that what he and Rebecca had seen was nothing more than an optical illusion. That's it, he thought. It was a mirage; a reflection of a mill or a bird or something. Inside his gut, however, lingered a gnawing sense of doubt.

Justin opened the door and the two of them were greeted with a soft ding! as they entered the reception area.

The receptionist looked up and smiled. 'Welcome to Sunny Hill Spa,' she greeted them as they approached her. 'You are...?'

Justin was caught off-guard by her beauty. Her hair was soft and her skin silky smooth. He especially liked the little upward tilt of her small nose and the way her lips naturally curled upward to form what he believed to be the perfect mouth. No ring on her finger. Rebecca poked an elbow into his side and he was jerked back to reality. 'Oh...' Justin said and cleared his throat. He was aware of his heart beating faster and a weak feeling in his knees. 'Justin and Rebecca Greene.'

The receptionist scanned the register.

'As in the colour,' he added. 'But with an e at the end.'

The receptionist chuckled politely and tapped her finger on their surname. 'Greene,' she said. 'You're in cabin twenty one. Please fill out the register while I get your keys.'

Justin moved the register over to Rebecca. She shrugged, took a pen, and started filling out the form. Vehicle registration number. Contact numbers. Next of kin. Justin caught himself staring at the receptionist as she walked to the back wall where all the keys hung. She was slightly shorter than him. He continued to stare even after she had taken the keys off the hook and was heading back. Only when she made eye contact did he become self-aware enough to tear his gaze from her. For a moment he wondered why he was so infatuated with this women where until now, he only had eyes for Rebecca.

'Here you go,' the receptionist said and held out the keys towards Justin. He intentionally brushed his finger against hers as he took the keys from her.

'Thank you,' Rebecca said and slid the register back to its original spot. 'Did the payment go through?'

'Everything's fine,' the receptionist confirmed. 'Enjoy your stay, and if there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask.'

'We won't,' Justin said. 'Thank you.'

Gravel crunched underneath their feet as the two of them made their way back to the car. Just before getting in, Justin stretched out his arms and filled his lungs with as much air as he possibly could. The air didn't smell this fresh in Kelwick.

'I think I'm going to enjoy this weekend,' Justin said as he got back into the car. A minute later they were driving off in search of their cabin.

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