Chapter 12, Scene 3

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Justin nodded.

Simon pondered the question for a moment. 'Do you want my honest opinion?'

'Nothing less.'

'I don't like him,' he said and bit into his sandwich. 'Not one bit.' He studied Justin for a minute as he slowly chewed on the sandwich. 'Why do you ask?'

'Not sure,' Justin said. 'There's something about that guy that creeps me out.'

'Yeah, me too.'

'And I think he's messing with my wife.'

Simon paused in mid-bite and slowly took the sandwich away from his mouth. 'Why do you say that?'

'I don't know,' Justin said. 'It's just a feeling I get. You know? Almost like those you got about me.'

'Did you speak to Rebecca about it yet?'

'Not yet, no.'

'Well, I think you should.'

'I wish that I was as laid back about everything as you are,' Justin said. 'Things just aren't that simple in real life, you know?'

Simon laughed. 'I wish that we could exchange shoes right here and now, my friend. But we can't. You have your quest to fulfill, and I have mine.'

There was a moment of silence between the two and in the silence; Justin pondered the actual reason for striking up the conversation with Simon. 'This whole sin and forgiveness issue,' he asked. 'Is it really that simple?'

Simon nodded. 'It is, yes. People tend to over-complicate the matter, and in doing so manage to make Christianity a burden not only on themselves, but on others as well.'

'But there are all these rules,' Justin said. 'All these rituals and dogma.'

'Not so,' Simon said. 'Do you know what the biggest rule of Christianity is?'

Justin thought for a moment. 'Thou shalt not kill?'

Simon shook his head. 'The biggest command to a Christian is to love the Lord your God with your whole heart and mind. The second biggest command is to love your neighbour as yourself. The foundation of Christianity is love.'

Justin didn't say anything. He merely finished his sandwich and allowed Simon to continue.

'God is able to love in a scale that human minds simply cannot comprehend. It is for that reason that Jesus Christ had to die. So that we don't have to. You're a father, Justin. Imagine if by the painful torture and death of your only son, you could ensure the survival of the human race. Would you allow it?'

Justin thought about the miscarriage. 'I don't...know.'

'Well, God made that sacrifice for you. The best part is that you don't have to do anything physically to earn it. You merely need to accept. All you need to do is ask.'

Justin felt convicted for the first time in years. The feeling was alien, yet not at all uncomfortable. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and stood up. 'I have to go now,' he said. 'Thanks for the chat.'

'Anytime,' Simon said.

Justin turned to leave.

'Oh, and Justin?'


'Good luck; and God speed.'

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