Chapter 5, Scene 4

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Rebecca sank into the bathtub filled with soft, foamy, bubbles. The warm water instantly refreshed her and she felt a little better about the coming week that she had to face alone. She thought about Justin's confession about the abortion and about how she would never hold it against him. She placed her hand over her stomach and rubbed it gently. To think that two short months ago, there was life. Now there's none. She bit her lip and closed her eyes.

'The thing that gets to me the most,' she told Justin just before the operation. 'Is that I still have morning sickness and all the other symptoms of being pregnant. The problem is that I'm going through it all for nothing.'

She had to admit that in the beginning Justin had been there for her more than she thought he would be. But there was no denying that he started drifting away only two weeks after the operation. He worked longer hours; slept with his back turned against her; and even neglected some of the usual chores around the house that he normally would do without hesitation.

A sound at the window made her open her eyes. She stared at the window for a minute, but couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, so closed her eyes again.


Rebecca shot upright and stared at the window again. This time she was certain that she heard something. For a while, nothing happened, but just as she was about to move, she noticed it. Outside the window, she saw something move. It's impossible for anyone to be out there, she thought. On the other side of the window was a small shaft where the drainage pipes from all the storeys of the building ran down into the sewage system below ground. The space was too small for a grown man to get into. Yet, there was no denying that someone or something was out there.

The shape pressed itself against the studded glass. Rebecca could clearly make out little hands and the shape of a head. She leaned forward to see if she could make out what or who it was. The figure moved and a gasp escaped from her lips. It slowly started climbing up the window like a gigantic spider.

Rebecca's heart bounced out of control. She used the towel behind her to rub her eyes, but when she looked again, the baby-sized figure was still there, slowly making its way to the small opening of the window at the top. Rebecca looked on helplessly as the figure reached the top. One by one, small, thin fingers curled itself around the opening of the window.

'Get away from me!' Rebecca screamed and ripped at the towel. She leapt from the bath, and flung the bathroom door open.

When she looked back over her shoulder, the figure was gone.

Something caught her eye in the fogged up mirror. It was a man standing in the hallway behind her, looking at her. Rebecca screamed. Her blood froze and her stomach flipped, but when she spun around, there was no one.

'What's happening to me?' she cried. She wanted Justin to be there. She needed his presence and his protection. As quickly as she could manage on the slippery tiles, Rebecca ran back to her room and jumped onto the bed. What's going on? She wondered as tears streamed down her cheeks. Oh Justin, please come home!

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