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Alan dropped me off at Sam's around 2am, I opened the door to see Sam&Lily stretched on the sofa and Sams dog in the rug.

I went upstairs and packed all of mine&Lilys stuff, all of Lily's toys,books,shoes,clothes everything!

After packing I text Alan.

To: Ginger Princess

Just finished packing! Lily fast asleep on the sofa!

From: Ginger Princess

Aww bless her, do you think she'll like me?

To: Ginger Princess

Of course she will! If I tell her you're a ginger princess she'll adore you:D

From: Ginger Princess

Yay! You better get some sleep long day ahead! Goodnight Lex<3

I locked my phone and climbed into bed, life's so good.

I woke up to the sound of little feet running across the floor and breathing on my face.

"Mama why is all my clothes packed?" Lily asked as she poked my face.

"Because my little Lily-Drop we're going to go live with mamas good friend, he's a ginger princess!" I said as her smile grew.

"Mama can I talk to him?" "Let me ring him for you baby" I picked up my phone and dialled Alan's number;


"Alan it's Lex"

"Oh goodmorning"

"Goodmorning; Lily wants to talk to you!"


"Hello is this mr ginger princess?"

"Yes it is! Is this Princess Lily?"

"How did you know I'm a princess!"

"Your mommy told me that you're the prettiest princess in the whole kingdom!" Lily started giggling.

"I am? I'm going to go now bye bye see you later"

"Hey Alan, she's so happy right now!" I smiled.

"I'm glad, I'll pick you two up in 30 minutes okay?"

"Okay bye Alan" the line went dead.

30 minutes had passed and there was a knock on the door.

"Can I help you?" I heard Sam ask.

"Um I'm here for Lex&Lily" Alan said.

"Lex there's a guy at the door for you!" She shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"Okay I'm coming" I shouted as I dragged my suitcase down the stairs.

"Hey! Where's Lily?" He asked as he picked up my bag.

"I'm here!" She squeaked.

"Hello princess Lily I'm Alan!"

"Hello Mr Alan" she said as she twiddled her hair.

'Shall we go?" I asked.

"Go where?" Sam asked while folding her arms and raising her eyebrows.

"Me&Lil are moving in with Alan, he lives a few blocks away" I said as I picked Lily up.

"I don't think so Alexia" Sam shouted.

"Alan lets go" I put Lily down and she followed Alan to his car.

"You're not leaving with him"

"Why not?" I hated how the one time me&Lily can be happy she ruins it.

"Because Nick called, he's coming over"

~ ~ ~

shits going down, I'm yelling timber

Rescue Me // Alan AshbyWhere stories live. Discover now