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"W-what do you mean she might not make it" I shouted as more doctors ran in.

"She seems to be having a seizure, we don't know the cause of it but if she does survive, she could have a phase of memory loss." The doctor said as he looked at Lex who was being held down by doctors.

"I-I can't watch this" I cried as I walked out of the room.

"Alan, ring Lily, let her know everything's okay" Austin said as he handed me his phone.

"Hey Zack it's Alan can you put Lily on the phone please?"

"Lalan! I miss you! Where's mama?" Lily asked. I couldn't bring myself to answer.

"She's just taking a holiday Lily, don't worry, she's okay, I have to go, goodbye Lily see you soon"

"I love you Lalan"

"I love you too Lily" I said before hanging up.

"Excuse me Mr Ashby, Miss Jones has calmed down now and is awake, would you like to see her?" The doctor said as he walked out of Lex's room.

"Thanks doctor" Austin said as we walked into Lex's room.

"Hey Lex" I said as I sat next to her bed.

"I'm sorry do I know you?" She asked.

"Lex I-it's Alan" I said as tears filled my eyes.

"I'm sorry Alan I don't know you" She said as she looked at Austin.

"Austin?" She asked as she smiled.

"Hey Lex, what do you remember?" Austin asked as he sat down.

"I can't remember anything" she said as she frowned.

"Lex, do you remember me asking you if I could adopt Lily?" I asked as I tried holding her hand.

"I don't know you!" She almost shouted.

"I can't believe this" I sobbed as I left the room.

Austins POV

"Alexia are you sure you don't remember Alan?" I asked, she was silent for a few minutes, this was killing Alan, Lex has forgotten him but she remembers me?

"Here look at these photos" I said as I showed her pictures of her&Alan on the bus and Alan&Lily on the beach.

"A-Alan?" She asked as tears fell from her eyes

"Yeah, he loves you Lex, he's been here since yesterday, he hasn't moved, he's been by your side all day, please Lex, try and remember" I said as I held her hand.

"We were at Warped weren't we?" She asked as she flicked through the pictures.

"Austin get Alan please" she said as she pulled her blanket over he body.

I ran out the room to find Alan in the waiting room with his head in his hands.

"Alan, she remembers" he looked up and smiled.

"Really?" He asked

"Yeah really"

Lexs POV

Alan walked in and sat by my bed and held my hand.

"Hey beautiful" he said as he held my hand tighter.

"I'm sorry I forgot Alan I'm so sorry" i cried,

"No don't be sorry Lexi, come here" He said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Come cuddle me please Alan" I said as I patted the space next to me, He climbed into the bed and laid down, i rested my head on his chest.

"I love you Alan" I said as I yawned.

"I love you too Lex" He said before wrapping his arms around my waist.

Mystery Persons POV

She's not dead! Fuck. It should've killed her! I'm gonna get her, she's not gonna live to see the end of warped tour, she'll be gone in no time.

~ ~ ~

looks like evan peters is back in town

Rescue Me // Alan AshbyWhere stories live. Discover now