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ten years into the future

"Lily, you don't need make-up, you're beautiful!" I heard Alan shout from bathroom.
"Shut up Dad, I have too many spots to be beautiful." Lily retorted.

"You're only fourteen, Lil, you don't need it!" I said as I joined the conversation.
"Mom tell Dad that I do need it!"
"Lil, you really don't." I said as I helped her with her eyeliner.
"Where's Dougie gone?" I asked as I finished Lily's make up.
"Dad I dropped my phone out the window" Dougie laughed as he walked into the bathroom.

"Shit what time is Uncle Jack coming over?" Lily shouted.
"Watch your language" Alan laughed as he walked downstairs.
"Hey how comes Lily's allowed to say shit and I'm not?" Dougie whined as he pulled on his converse.

"She's not and neither are you!" I said as pulled on my jacket.
"I brought Taco Bell!" Jack shouted as he burst through the door.
"Uncle Jack!" Lily shouted as she hugged him.

"Hey Lil, we've got a surprise for you!" Jack said as Alex&Zack carried in a large box followed by Rian. Lily opened the box and screamed.

"No way! You guys are the best!" Lily lifted a orange Les Paul out of the box which had the ATL skull and the OM&M '&' logo printed on it.

"Anything for our favourite niece, and for our favourite nephew, a brand new Bass!" Zack shouted as he lifted out a half white, half green bass.
"thank you so much!" Dougie said as he ran over and hugged the guys.

"Look at our family Lex, we survived all the shit and look At the outcome, we've got two gorgeous children, an amazing house and I've got the most amazing wife any man could ask for" Alan said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I love you Alan Ashby."

"I love you Alexia Ashby."

~ ~ ~

ty for reading my shitty writing, check out my other shitty scribbles I call stories if you like, ily bye

((btw check out my new Alan Ashby story called wonderwall))

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