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"Austin take Alan to the hospital, Lily can crash on our bus tonight, we'll take her with us to the next city" Zack said as he ran over to us. I Stood up and ran to Austins car.

"Alan wait!" he shouted as he got in the car with tears running down his cheeks. As we arrived at the hospital we saw Lex being taken in by the paramedics.

"Wait!" I shouted as i ran after one of them.

"Will she be okay" i asked as i cried.

"We cant say, we'll need to remove the bullet and she will go into theatre immediately" the man said before running into the hospital.

"My Lexi" i cried as i walked back over to Austin. He pulled me into a hug.

"Come on Ashby! You've gotta stay positive, no matter what the outcome is, you need to stay positive, for You, for Lily..For Lex" Austin said as he pulled away from the hug. I Nodded and started walking into the hospital.

"What room is Alexia Jones in?" I asked as i reached the front desk. The women looked at her computer and took what seemed like forever to find Lex's room.

"Down the hall 4th door on your right, she's in surgery at the moment but feel free to wait outside in the waiting area and go to the caffeteria" She said as she smiled at me.

"Thank you so much" i said as i returned a smile.

Lex's POV

"where the fuck am i? Alan? Lily?" I shouted as my voice echoed. I saw a figure coming towards me.

"Alexia Jones?" A stern voice said.

"Y-yes?" i asked as i squinted to see the figure better.

"You have been sent here but i cannot see anything bad about you on my list" The man said as he flicked through some papers.

"I was murdered" i said as i looked for my wound, i couldn't find anything. I looked at the man and realised it was Mitch.

"M-Mitch?" i cried as i hugged him.

"Hey there Lex,you need to go back, Alan is heartbroken look" Mitch said as he opened up a white box, as he opened it i saw Alan and Austin in the waiting room of the hospital, Alan red faced from crying and rocking back&forth while Austin had his head in his hands.

"W-what about Lily?" i sobbed as i looked at Mitch. He opened up the box again and i saw Lily lying in a bunk cuddled up to Rian while he read her a story, she had her brown locks in a plait and her green eyes slowly closing as she yawned.

"Send me back Mitch please, i need Lily, I need Alan" i cried as Mitch hugged me.

"I'm sending you back, look after Lily, she need her mother, just make sure you're there for her please Alexia" Mitch said as he stepped back.

"Thank you Mitch, i love you bro" I said as he gave me one last hug.

"I love you too Lex, be safe, keep Lily away from Nick too" He said as he pulled away and walked off.

Alan's POV

Lex's been unconscious for 10 hours now and Me&Austin havent moved.

"Excuse me, Mr Ashby" the doctor said as he walked out of Lex's room.

"We have removed the bullet from Miss Jones' stomach and we will be taking her off the ventilator and see if she can breathe on her own" The doctor said as i stood up and shook his hand.

"Thank you" I smiled as i walked into Lex's room. I walked over to her bed and sat on the chair, i held her hand and started singing.

"Pretty little lady with your swollen eyes would you show them to me? I know im not that perfect but you stay awhile baby, then you will see"

I held her hand tighter and kissed her head, this is gonna be a long ride.

Zack's POV

I ran back to the bus and burst through the door to see Flyzik playing on his phone, Jack and Alex arguing over films and Rian texting Cassadee.

"Guys can i have a word with you" i said as i closed the door. They all nodded and walked into the back lounge. I shut the door and looked at the guys as tears left my eyes.

"Zack whats happened?" Rian asked as he sat down.

"Alexia was performing with OM&M and at the end of the song, s-she got s-shot" i sobbed as i fell onto the couch and put my head in my hands

"What? What about Lily?" Jack said as he sat down.

"She's gonna crash on here and come to the next city with us until Alan or Austin is back" I said as I wiped my eyes.

"I-Is Lex gonna be okay?" Alex sobbed as Flyzik rubbed his back.

"I-I don't know Alex, I really don't know"

Alan's POV

"Please wake up Lex, I miss you, I miss your smile, your laugh, your insane sense of humour, your kindness, I miss you Lex please come back to me" I whispered as I held her hand.

"You know, some day, we're gonna get married, we're gonna have our own family, You, Me, Lily and a brother for Lily, we're gonna get through this, we're gonna grow old together and sit on the front porch and watch our grandchildren play in the sun, we're gonna live happily ever after" As I finished talking I noticed Austin standing at the door.

"I'm proud of you Alan" he said as he walked over and patted me on the back. Lex's machine started beeping loudly and she gripped my hand. The doctors started rushing in as she started breathing heavily.

"Is she okay?" Austin asked.

"I don't thinks going to make it through this" The doctor spoke sadly.

~ ~ ~

why did I bring Mitch into this now I'm crying

Rescue Me // Alan AshbyWhere stories live. Discover now