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five days later

Alan carried me out as we left the hospital, we were met by All Time Low's tour bus.

"Mama!" Lily screamed as she ran over to me.

"I love you so much Lily" I cried as I hugged her.

"Mama look Jacky coloured my hair!" She said as she pointed to her hair which was bright pink.

"Jack Barakat I'm gonna kick your ass!" I shouted as Lily ran over to Alan. Alex fell to the floor laughing as I chased Jack.

"Ow no Jack my stitches ouch" I said as I crouched over and held my stomach.

"Lex I'm sorry are you okay?" He asked as he helped me up.

"I'm fine you gullible twat!" I shouted a I hit him over the head and hugged him.

"She said you'd be fine with it!" Jack whined as Rian walked over.

"Lily's exact words were 'Mama's hair is blue so she said I can have pink hair!' Mr Barakat&Mr Gaskarth thought it'd be a good idea so they got Tay&Jenna to dye it for her! It's not permanent I swear!" Rian laughed.

"I miss my bunk, Alan come on I wanna see the others!" I whined as Alan scooped me up in a bridal style.

We arrived in Denver and as I stepped off the bus I was greeted by Phil, Aaron&Tino.

"Lex i missed you so much!" Tino shouted as he pulled me into a hug.

"Tino. Can't. Breathe" I said as he stepped back and laughed.

"Hey kiddo how you feeling?" Aaron asked as he hugged me.

"I'm good bro, got a massive scar but hey I'm punk rock now" I said as Jack&Alex burst out laughing.

"I'm more Punk Rock than you pair of losers" I shouted as Jack fell over holding his stomach.

"Lex stop, I-it's too funny" Alex said as he tried to catch his breathe.

"Fuck you guys" I said as I Flicked them off and ran over to catering.

As I was walking in I bumped into someone and knocked their drink out of their hand.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" I said as I looked up I realised it was Oli from BMTH.

"It's okay love, I can get another" he said with his strong Yorkshire accent.

"You're with Ashby aren't you? You have the little girl with the pink hair?" He asked as looked at me.

"Yeah that's me, you're Oli right?" I asked pretending to have no idea who he was, in all honestly Me&Lily love Bring Me The Horizon, a few years back I had a school girl crush on Oli and their drummer Matt.

"That's right, your name would be?"

"Alexia, Lex for short" I said as I played with the ends of my hair.

"That's a beautiful name, why don't you&Lily come over to our bus sometime, Matt&Vegan really want to meet her." He said as he smiled.

"Yeah we will!" I said as I smiled back, I could feel my cheeks heating up, dammit I'm blushing.

"See you around Lex" he said as he walked off and waved.

& &

"Hey do you fags have any Monster?" I asked as I looked in ATL's fridge.

"Nope, we've got a signing and Ashby is playing a show so why don't you&Lily come with us?" Alex asked as he stood up, followed by Jack&Rian.

"Yeah okay, Lily-Rose when are you?" I shouted as I closed the fridge.

"Mama look! Zacky plaited my hair!" She said as she pointed at her plait.

"Zack you did that?"

"Yeah!" He said as he picked Lily up.

"To the signing we go!" Jack shouted as he dived out the door.

We arrived at the signing and me&Lily sat behind the guys.

"Who are you?" A girl asked.

"I'm a friend of the band" I replied.

"Probably a groupie" she muttered.

"Listen here, I'm not a groupie, never have been never will be so I suggest you move along before I kick you ass" I spat as she rolled her eyes and walked off.

"Thank fuck that's over" I sighed as we all stood up.

"Jack where's Lily?" I asked.

"I thought she was with Rian"

"I thought she was with Zack" Rian said.

"I thought she was with you?" Zack said as he looked at me.

"No she was with Jack then I thought she went to Alex"

"Alex! Where's Lily?" I shouted.

"I thought she was with you!" He shouted.

"Someone's taken her"

~ ~ ~

lily u little shit

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