Natsu Gets A Friend

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(In Lucy's House)

(The Living Room)

(Lucy was sitting at her desk writing her book while natsu was playing a game with happy)

Happy=Alright natsu we're about to play hide and seek okay.


Happy=Since I'm older I get to hide while you count to ten then you have to find me.

Natsu=Me hi ou fi me.

Happy=Nope I already called hiding while you seek.


Lucy=Happy did say he wanted to hide first.


Happy=Okay natsu count to ten. t ten me
fi appy!

(Natsu looked at all the places he could reach but he could not find the blue exceed)




(Lucy pointed to her vase and behind the vase was happy.

Natsu=Me fi ou.

Happy=My turn natsu go hide.

(Natsu toddled off to his hiding spot)

Happy=One two three four five six seven eight
 nine ten ready or not here I come natsu.

(Happy found natsu under a table with his eyes covered up he didn't want to make the kid feel like he's not good at the game so happy decided to humor the little dragon slaying tot)

Happy=Where is natsu.

Natsu=Heh Heh.

Happy=Hmmm I wonder where he is.

Natsu=Heh Heh.

(Happy flew to natsu and he tapped his shoulder)

Happy=Got you.

Natsu=Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Lucy=Hey I've been doing some thinking.

Happy=That's a first.

Lucy=Grr happy I will kick you to the sun!!!!

Happy=Ahhh sorry lucy don't kick me!!!

Lucy=Like I was saying natsu need's to associate with kids his own age I don't think he ever had a play date with a child his age.

Happy=I guess you're right natsu is such a loner.

Lucy=Don't say that happy he is not a loner as a matter of  fact we're going to the park so natsu can make some friends it'll be fun right natsu.

Natsu=Pway me wan pway.

Lucy=But first let's get you some pants on you have been running around in your diaper all morning.

Natsu=Heh Heh daipy daipy daipy.

(Lucy helped natsu into a pair of dark shorts and socks  and then she put him in a pair black and blue sneakers after she dressed natsu she packed his diaper bag and then she left)


Happy=Today looks good look how bright the sun is and the wind feels nice...oh lucy can I go fishing when we go to the park.

Lucy=Sure just come back around one hour.


Lucy=You know I wonder what we are gonna have for lunch today.

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