Mothers Day

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This was her request give her profile a look.
(Sorry about this chapter being late school kept me busy)
(Today was Mother's Day lucy was getting dressed for her day out with the girls and she has yet to wake up natsu he was up late last night and figured he could use the rest she was also waiting for happy to wake up any moment to help wake up natsu soon after)
Lucy=It's mothers day I need to go to mom's grave site soon.
Lucy=There's natsu right on time.
(In natsu's room)
Lucy=Happy get up.
Happy=Huh oh hey lucy happy mothers day.
Lucy=To me.
Happy=Yeah you're natsu's mom.
Lucy=Speaking of which,hey natsu how did you sleep?
Natsu=Me sweep good me saw daddy,an appy, an mama an, papa,an sistew me ead chocwite an hot.
[Natsu Terminology)
Lucy=Well sounds like you had a good dream.
Natsu=Heh heh.
Lucy=Let's get you changed then we can grab some breakfast.
(After lucy changed natsu she picked him up and walked to the kitchen with happy flying behind her)
(In The Kitchen)
(Natsu was sat in his highchair scribbling on pictures in his coloring book)
Happy=Lucy when will breakfast be done i'm starving.
Lucy=Hold on food is almost done.
(Lucy placed a plate of eggs,bacon,and toast in front of happy and she poured him some orange juice and then she placed a plate of eggs and a waffle in front of natsu and she gave him his plastic fork she also filled his sippy cup with milk and finally she placed her plate of eggs and toast on the table and she placed down her cup of coffee in front of her)
Lucy=There breakfast is served.
(Natsu got tired of using the fork and decided he'll eat with his hands)
Lucy=Natsu don't do it.
Natsu=(Humph) No fa!
Lucy=Yes fair.
(Natsu threw his fork down and began to pout)
Lucy=Oh well I guess you're not hungry.
(Lucy picked up natsu's plate,the toddler was a little surprised but he held his ground....sorta)
Lucy=He'll break any moment now.
Natsu=Mama fewd fewd!!
Lucy=Will you use your fork?
Natsu=Uh huh.
(Lucy placed natsu's plate back on the highchair tray and she washed his plastic fork and handed it to him)
Happy=Wow you're a pro at this now lucy.
Lucy=Thank you.
(After breakfast lucy was getting herself and natsu dressed for their day with her friends she grabbed natsu's stroller and she buckled him in and then she started walking)
Happy=Are you still tired?
Lucy=No just getting myself ready for today.
Happy=Since today is mothers day what are we gonna do?
Lucy=I'm going to the graveyard to visit my mom first.
Happy=Why...does she work there?
Lucy=She's dead happy.
Happy=Oh...we should get flowers.
Lucy=That's where we are heading to pick up flowers.
Happy=Oh we should buy you some for yourself.
Lucy=It's okay i'm fine.
(After lucy bought a bouquet she went to the graveyard and she went to her mother and father grave site)
(At the graveyard)
Lucy=Hey mom.....hey it's been a crazy few months natsu got turned into a baby so I am his "mama" now, and I learned so much on how to be a parent it's the best feeling to have... although it can get expensive and smelly and sometimes very stressful, but I am loving every second of it.....sometimes I wished you guys were here to see me now being a mom and all and...and..... oh I've never introduced you guys happy can you come here.
Happy=Sure lucy.
Lucy=Mom...Dad this is Happy he is a exceed turns out he is from another dimension I know crazy right and he's no regular house cat.
Happy=Thanks lucy.
Lucy=He's a house cat that can fly and talk.
Lucy=But he's like another kid to me and both and natsu act like siblings it's really cute.
Happy=Well we are brothers.
Lucy=Heh heh and also there is one last person I want you to meet.
(Lucy reached inside the stroller and she picked up the sleeping toddler out of the stroller)
Lucy=And this is natsu the baby I was telling you about he's my pride and joy and I can't get enough of him he's messy, he always makes a mess with his food, he makes a lot of noise,and he can never sit still for more than two thinking about it there is not that big of a difference between him being younger or older heh heh.
Lucy=I miss you guys so much there have been days where I feel so alone without you guys here I have no one to get tips from... I have no one to tell me what kind of guy to date.
(Tears started falling from lucy's eyes)
Happy=Lucy don't cry... If y you cry(sniff) I'll cry.
(Tears started to fall on natsu's face he woke up to see his mom crying the toddler decided the best thing to do was give her a hug as best as he can then once happy saw natsu doing this he went on to do the same)
Natsu=No cwy mama no sad.
Happy=Yeah lucy don't cry even though your family is not here me and natsu can be your family and all of fairy tail can be your family too.
Lucy=I love you two so much....thanks for being here...well let's get going it's getting depressing here how about we get some ice cream.
(So lucy placed natsu in his stroller and she buckled him up and she started walking again with happy flying behind her)
( At the Magnolia Cafe)
(Erza, Cana, Wendy, Carla, Mira, and Levi were sitting at a table waiting for lucy)
Lucy=Hey guy's
Erza=Lucy glad you could make it.
Lucy=Sorry if I was late I had to say happy mothers day to my mom.
Levi=Oh..are you okay?
Lucy=Just fine,anyways I am ready for some sweets how about you guys.
Erza=Yes I must order the most exquisite slice of cake on this menu and maybe some tea the flavors of both would be really tasty.
Levi=Me too I am up for some pie.
Wendy=I would love some ice tea and maybe a slice of key lime pie.
Cana=A sundae sounds nice.
Happy=Hi carla I was wondering.
Happy=But I didn't even finish.
Carla=Still no.
Happy=Some day you'll like me I swear it.
Carla=(Sigh) Hello natsu is happy this much of a dolt at home.
Carla=Heh heh alright well I'm going to order something.
Happy=Hmm hey natsu.
Happy=Today is mother's day we should do something for lucy.
Natsu=Uh huh.
Happy=What should we do.
Natsu=Mama ged chocwite.
Happy=Yeah chocolate and maybe a bear to.
Natsu=Me dwaw.
Happy=Sweet let's go.
(Happy undid the belt buckle that held natsu in place and he picked him up and flew off to find a gift store)
Happy=Where would be a good store to buy gifts at.
(Natsu pointed to a pink building that had a sign that said Mothers Day sale)
Happy=That's perfect and strangely convient.
(So natsu and happy went inside people in the store were too busy buying last day mothers day gifts to actually notice a pink haired toddler and a blue flying cat)
Happy=Alright natsu let's look for some chocolate's and no you can't eat them.
Happy=No aww's were doing this for lucy.
(While the two were walking natsu was staring at the different boxes of chocolate's he thought that one piece won't hurt so he ploped down to the floor and he opened one of the boxes of chocolate's and he began to eat the sweet's he ate one than he ate another one and about five more soon enough he ate the entire box he was about to move on to his second box until happy stopped him)
Happy=Natsu we didn't pay for those!
Happy=Yes very very bad!
Happy=C'mon natsu don't cry.
Natsu=Me bad.
Happy=No you're not bad look we'll find someway to fix that okay.
Natsu=Uh huh.
Happy=Good now let's get a card.
(So after awhile happy looked for a card till eventually natsu found a card with glitter all over it that was the card that caught his attention)
Happy=Yes that will work now let's check out our stuff.
(At the checkout counter)
Happy=Finally here you go one card and a box of chocolate...well two boxes.
Register=Where is the second box?
Happy=He ate it.
Register=Alright your total will be 19.89.
Happy=Umm...I can pay in fish.
Happy=Maybe I should have thought that through,any ideas?
Natsu=Dwaw foe mama.
Happy=Well we can do that but how.
Happy=Story....a library!
Natsu=Appy stowy.
Happy=I'll read you a story later let's go.
(Happy held onto natsu and he started flying to the magnolia public library)
(With lucy and the girls)
Lucy=Ha ha ha(sigh)cana there are children present don't say that!
Erza=Speaking of which natsu is pretty quiet.
Carla=And I have not heard the male cat blurt out a confession of his love in about thirty minutes.
Lucy=Yeah you're right.
(Lucy peeked inside the stroller to find it empty of it's passenger)
Lucy=They're not in there!
Levy=They couldn't wonder off far.
Lucy=Oh no oh no oh no oh no!!
Cana=Calm down we'll find them I look at one part of magnolia.
Wendy=Me and carla can take the skies.
Carla=Let's go wendy.
(Lucy takes a second to take deep breaths to calm herself down)
Lucy=Okay you're right we will find them let's go look levy you're coming with me.
(So the girls began to look)
(In the magnolia library)
(Happy and natsu walked to the front desk)
Happy=Hello ma'am.
(A elderly women looked down onto happy and natsu)
???=Why hello natsu and happy is that correct. do you know us?
????=Well grey told me.
????=Shhh, little one yes your father told me about you two.
Happy=Really when do you two ever talk?
????=Oh we both have tea just about every other week of course.
Happy=Oh well then you're like our grandma right.
????=Yes I guess I could be a grandmother to you two,but anywho what are you two doing here by yourselves?
Natsu=Id mama day!
????=Yes it is natsu,my...daughter sent me a gift earlier.
Happy=Well we're gonna make a card for lucy.
????=Well in that case the art's and craft room is in the children library section it is upstairs.
Happy==Thank what is your name?
Happy=You don't have to say it.
????=My name is Ultear sweetie.
(Ultear smiles and playfully shoos away happy and natsu)
Happy=Wow...well let's go natsu.
Natsu=Bye bye.
(Happy flew himself and natsu upstairs to the art's and craft station)
(In the art's and craft area)
Happy=Alright how should we do this?
(With Lucy and Levy)
Lucy=I can't lose them they are the only family I have left I cannot lose them.
Levy=Lucy....let's pick up the pace.
(Back with Natsu and Happy)
(They had made their card for lucy it had a lot of flowers and key's on it that is what happy drew then natsu did what he call "drawing" there were three stick figures and they were holding hands happy signed both his name and natsu's name on the card)
Happy=Done..what time is it?
(Happy looked at at the clock that was hanging on the wall)
Happy=Whoa it's 5pm this card took us a long time to make let's go back to that cafe to see if lucy is still there.
Natsu=See mama.
(So Happy and Natsu left the library with their card in hand ready to go show lucy their work)
(With the girls)
(They had looked everywhere but they could not find natsu or happy)
Erza=We're sorry lucy no luck and it's getting late we have to look first thing in the morning.
Levy=Then we'll get the entire guild to help look fof those two.
Cana=We will find them don't worry.
Lucy=Okay....I am going to take a minute.
(So lucy walked and walked and walked till she found herself at the docks she sat at the edge of the side of the dock and she began to wail)
Lucy=(Sob sob)
(With Natsu and Happy )
Happy=Do you hear crying.
Natsu=Mama...mama sad.
(Happy scanned the area till he found lucy sitting down crying)
(Happy and natsu landed behind lucy)
Lucy=They're gone I am alone I didn't protect them like I should have.
Happy=L..l... Mom.
(Natsu hugged lucy as best as his little arms could and happy did the same)
Lucy=Natsu,Happy I thought I lost you two!!!
(Lucy hugged both of her boys)
Lucy=Where have you two been.
Happy=We went to get you a mother's day gift and we wanted to surprise I guess we should have told someone.
Lucy=I was worried sick you know.
Natsu=Mama mama wook wook.
(Natsu held the card both him and happy made)
Lucy=Is this a card?
Happy=We both made it.
(Lucy opened up the card and read out loud)
Lucy=Your the best mom ever you give us yummy food,give us baths and you change natsu's diaper's no matter how bad they smell and also you're a super powerful celestial wizard too we hope you like the card sign happy and natsu... P. S Happy wrote the letter and did the flower and key drawings and natsu did his own thing......
Happy=You don't like it.
Lucy=I loved it.
(Lucy kissed natsu and happy on both of their heads)
Lucy=Next time tell if you're gonna do something then I won't be worried promise.
Natsu=Me sowy mama.
Happy=Sorry lucy.
Lucy=It's okay... let's go home you two,that is enough excitement for one day.
(With that said the trio went home happy and safe)

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