Trip to grocery store goes wrong

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This chapter will use standard writing format instead of my normal drama format.
Lucy was in her living room reading a book while Natsu silently played with his toys
with Happy. Lucy considered the silence pure bliss, things were never this calm for her anymore since Natsu was placed under that spell, so rate times like this where she could camly read without the unecessary shouting or the constant whining and crying are a complete godsend for her.

Natsu looked up to lucy.
There goes the silence.
"Yes sweetie."
Responded lucy as she closed her book.
But even when it's not calm and silent she could never stay mad or annoyed at the source of the noise.
"Me hungwy mama."
The pink haired toddler rubbed his stomach to put emphasis on how hungry he was.
Lucy chuckled at Natsu's expressions these are one of the many things that makes her day.
"Well natsu what do you want to eat?"
Lucy asked the child.
Natsu was trying to think about what he could eat.
Happy noticed Natsu was not going to make his mind up anytime soon the blue exceed decided to voice his idea for lunch.
"Hey lucy what if we have fish."
Happy asked.
"Happy you always want fish try something else."
Lucy said as she picked up natsu gently bouncing him.
"Have you decided yet natsu?"
Natsu replied.
"Hey lucy how about we eat sandwiches now, and then can you cook fish later."
Happy asked hoping Lucy would agree.
"Sounds like a plan Happy we can do that."
Lucy said as she walked to the kitchen to start making the sandwiches.
Once lucy arrived in the kitchen she opened her refrigerator to find it somewhat empty.
"Weird when's the last time I went shopping."
Lucy was confused about the state of her refrigerator.
Happy gained a michevious smile.
"Well it's only natural that you're forgetting about stuff like that it comes naturally when you become a old lady."
Lucy grabbed a nearby magazine she rolled it up and whacked happey on the head with.
"Oww child abuse."
Happy said rubbing his head.
Natsu began laughing at Lucy and Happy's antics.
"What are you laughing at."
Lucy said playfully as she began tickling Natsu.
The toddler howled with laughter.
"Alright you two by the look of things we need to go shopping."
Lucy said as she slipped on her shoes.
"We go mama?"
Natsu asked.
"Yes you two get to come with me this time as long you're on your best behavior."
Lucy helped Natsu into pair of shoes and she grabbed his diaper bag.
"Now let's get going the market is not that far from here."
Lucy grabbed the young dragon slayer's hand and she left her house with Happy following behind them.
Lucy locked her door and she began to start walking.
"Hey Lucy what do we need from the store?"
Happy asked.
"Well we need the basic stuff like eggs,milk, and bread but we can also grab some meat,cereal,maybe some juice, and the most important item of all diapers because Natsu goes through them relatively fast."
Lucy said as she made a mental list of items she may need to buy.
"That's a lot of stuff Lucy."
Happy said surprised.
"Well when you have to take care of two children shopping tends to get a bit more complicated."
Said the celestial mage.
After fifteen minutes of walking the group of three made it to the super market, Lucy grabbed a basket and went inside the store.
"Now you two remember be on your BEST behavior understand."
Lucy said as she put extra emphasis on best.
"Otay mama"
Natsu said giving Lucy a vigorous nod to indicate he'll be good.
The blue exceed giggled
"That means you too Happy."
Lucy said.
"I'm old enough to know what's right and wrong."
Happy said.
"Now let's start shopping"
Said the blond celestial mage as she placed Natsu inside the basket.
"Okay let's go shopping."
Lucy began pushing the cart trying to locate the items on her list.
"First we need eggs and then milk."
Lucy grabbed a carton of eggs and she stopped at the dairy section to find milk at a good price.
Lucy was deep in thought.
"Just pick one Lucy."
Happy said feeling a little annoyed.
"Hey I'm trying to find a good deal on some milk, jewels doesn't grow on tree's Happy."
Lucy said still looking for a properly priced jug of milk.
"Mama too wong."
Natsu whined he wanted to move around and be confined to a seat.
"Natsu stop whining we're here to shop not play."
Lucy said annoyed.
"But this is boring....can I go look around and buy something?"
Happy asked.
Lucy replied bluntly
"Pretty please"
Happy asked again.
Happy pleaded to Lucy dragging on the word please.
"Okay okay you can go and buy something."
Lucy said finally giving into the blue exceed's begging.
"Here's five jewel go buy yourself a small snack you gotta save room for lunch"
Lucy handed Happy the money and shooed him away.
"Yay thanks Mom....I mean Lucy!!"
Happy said as he blushed a little bit and flew away to the fish section.
Lucy smiled.
"He called me Mom."
Lucy thoughts were interrupted when Natsu was tugging vigorously on her shirt.
"Yes Natsu?"
Lucy looked down onto the toddler.
"Me wan go too mama."
Natsu said.
"No Natsu you cannot go by yourself, you're too young."
Lucy replied.
"Dat nod fa!!!"
Natsu said as his skin was slightly turning red.
"It is fair Natsu."
Lucy said to the pink haired toddler.
"Appy go me wan go too!"
Natsu whined.
"Well Happy is old enough Natsu, you're not old enough yet."
Lucy said and continued to push the basket towards the meat section.
"No fa no fa!!!"
Natsu began throwing a tantrum, he started kicking his feet as he began to start crying.
Lucy sighed was it gonna be one of those days again ever since these last few months had passed along with Natsu getting a little more smarter everyday his attitude has started to change the toddler was now starting to express himself a little more and with that came his increased temper, Natsu's mere temper tantrums would turn into a complete meltdown if things does not go his way, for the most part Lucy would resist his tantrums by placing him in his crib for time-out, but since this is a public area Lucy wanted to avoid unnecessary attention and avoid burning down the groccery store so she had no choice but to appease the raging toddler, she would scold him and out him in time-out later.
"Fine you can go with Happy but as soon as we get home you're in time-out understand."
Lucy words fell upon deaf ears due to Natsu's habit of being a selective listener.
"Me go mama!"
Natsu said excitedly.
"Happy come here."
Lucy called out to the blue exceed.
"What is it Lucy?"
Happy asked.
"Can you take Natsu with you to go buy a snack?"
Lucy asked.
"Do I have to."
Happy whined.
"Yes you do."
Lucy said as she pulled Natsu out of the basket and placed him on the floor.
"And remember and I cannot stress this good and don't break anything got it."
Lucy said.
Natsu nodded.
"Yes Lucy"
Said Happy.
"Good now Happy meet me at the check out line in twenty minutes okay."
Lucy said
"Aye sir"
Happy said giving off his trademark phrase as he flew off with Natsu.
Lucy pushed her basket towards the breakfast asile to grab the other items off her list.
(With Natsu and Happy)
Happy had made his way to tohe snack asile, trying to decide what he wanted to snack on.
"Appy wan dat."
Natsu pointed to the friut snacks that was on the top shelf.
"We can't get those Natsu, Lucy only gave us five jewels to buy both of us a snack those friut snacks cost seven jewels"
Happy said as he continued to look around the for snack.
"Me wan id appy!"
Natsu whined.
"No we can't get it."
Happy said.
Natsu pouted but he figured if Happy refused to give him his desired snack, he would get it himself so the toddler began to climb the shelf and he grabbed his desire snack.
"Me ged id!"
Natsu said proudly.
Happy turned around to see Natsu had grabbed the box.
"Natsu put those back we're not getting those."
Happy said annoyed.
Happy was about to grab the box but before he could take them, the pink haired toddler tore into the box and he started eating the gummies.
"Natsu no!!"
Happy snatched the box from Natsu leaving the toddler surprised and mad.
"Dat mine!!"
Natsu screamed.
"No it's not we haven't bought."
Happy looked inside the to see several empty wrappers.
"Natsu you ate some!!"
Happy said angrly
"I wan id."
Natsu said as he pouted.
"Well I'm not buying it."
Happy said as he grab Natsu and flew away before someone noticed that the toddler had ate from the box.
"Down down!!"
Natsu demanded.
"No you might do something bad again."
Happy said as he flew into another part of the snack section.
Natsu wanted to get his snack and he will have it so the toddler bit down on Happy's hand.
The blue exceed dropped the dragon slaying toddler and said toddler ran off.
"Natsu get back here!!"
Happy began to chase the toddler down the aisle.
"Appy nod ged me!"
Natsu teased Happy the pink haired tyke was viewing this whole ordeal as a game this made Happy angry.
"Natsu get back in here or I'll tell."
Happy said.
Natsu ignored the threat and he started taking bottles of syrup and he started squeezing the bottles at Happy, the blue exceed getting hit various times.
"Grr it's gonna take forever to wash this out of my fur!"
Happy said angrily.
Natsu started laughing this made Happy really mad so he opened a bag of flour and he poured it all over the young dragon slayer.
Natsu then grabbed his own bag of flour and he threw it at Happy.
"This means war."
While Natsu's and Happy's food war was happening Lucy was peacefully shopping.
"Why do I feel a sudden chill down my spine.. it's probably nothing."
Lucy said as she went to the frozen food aisle.
"Oh look a sale score!"
The celestial mage said happily as she grabbed various meats for dinner.
"Okay that's everything now let's text Happy and tell him to meet me at check out.
Lucy pulled out her lacrima phone and she sent a text to Happy after that she made her to check out but on her way there she saw several men run towards the food section.
"Wonder where they're going....hope it's not Happy and probably is.... but let's give them the benefit of a doubt.
Lucy made her way to check out her groceries before she walked to a scene where a bunch of people are gathered.
"What's going on here."
Lucy said.
A lady turned to face Lucy.
"A child and that blue cat from fairy tail started a huge food fight half the stock in this section is gone.
"Did they."
While Lucy was processing what the woman had said to her the super market's PA system emitted a jingle and a voice from it said.
"Would the mother of a Natsu and Happy dragneel please report to the manager's office.
"Oh that's them I hope that child's mother give him a good swat on the bottom it's what I would do."
Said the lady.
"You know what, she might just do that."
Lucy started walking towards the manger's office.
(Manager's Office)
"He started it!"
Happy said pointing to Natsu.
"Appy do id"
Natsu said pointing towards Happy.
The manager sighed.
"Both of you are in trouble."
Lucy entered the office she was fuming.
"Mm mama."
Natsu said his voice shakey.
Lucy shot a look at Natsu that made him quiet.
"So ma'am I am pretty sure you know the sevrity of your children's actions."
Said the manager.
"Food fight..lost half the stock."
"So I'm afraid I will have to ban you and your children...for a year...or you can pay the one thousand jewel needed for restocking food and pay for damages.
Lucy took a deep breath.
"The year long ban."
Lucy said.
"Well alright... well you can leave now.... can't come for a yeah."
Lucy had grabbed Natsu and Happy by their ears and she drug them out the office.
The store manager sunk into his chair he had never felt such fear before.
(Lucy's House)
Lucy had placed her groceries on the kitchen floor and she stared down Happy and Natsu.
Happy was the first to speak.
"Natsu threw syrup at me."
Lucy turned to Natsu.
"Appy threw white stuff ad me."
Natsu said.
"Bathtub both of you now."
The dragon slaying toddler and the blue exceed ran towards the bathroom.
Lucy walked towards the bathroom once inside she turned on the faucet.
"Me haf toy mama."
Natsu asked quietly.
"No toys for a week."
Lucy said as she stripped the toddler down and placed him in the bathwater and began to bathe him.
"Happy get in the tub"
Was all Lucy said as she went back to bathing the toddler.
Happy flew into the bathtub and he began bathing himself.
After the bath Lucy went into Natsu's room and she told the the two boys to go in two different corners.
"No noise out of both of you, I am going to get dinner ready."
Lucy left the room.
Natsu started sobbing.
"Me be baa....mama don wuv me no moe."
Natsu said as he continued to cry.
"He's really upset."
Happy thought to himself.
Happy tiptoed to Natsu so Lucy doesn't hear him when Happy was at Natsu's corner he hugged the pink haired child.
"Shh don't cry Natsu...Lucy still loves us."
Natsu began crying into Happy's shoulder.
"Me sowy appy, me be goo no be baa no moe!"
Natsu said but with his crying made it hard to understand him.
"I know."
Happy said giving a generic response to Natsu, not understanding what he said.
Lucy opened the door and she walked in.
"Come here you two"
Lucy picked up the two boys and she hugged them both.
"I'm not mad..but I disappointed in your behavior's."
"We're sorry Lucy."
Happy said.
"Me sowy mama no be baa no moe."
Natsu said.
"It's okay..besides I was gonna give you bath today anyways Natsu so the whole ordeal gave me a reason to bathe you."
Lucy said as she laughed.
Natsu and Happy began to laugh with her.
"But you two are still grounded."
Lucy said.
Natsu said
"That's fair."
Happy said.
"Now let's eat dinner."
Said the celestial mage.
After the trio ate dinner everyone went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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