Gildarts vist

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It has been three weeks since Natsu was turned into a toddler and thrusted upon Lucy, the celestial had a bit of a hard time trying to get used to having a baby around but after awhile she grew to get use to having a energetic little boy running around her home, by learning more about the child she was able to come up with ways to properly handle him.
Lucy woke up to hear nothing, but she knew this peace would not last long as Natsu should be waking up soon.
"I should go ahead and check on him." Lucy said as she got out of bed and she went to the room where Natsu and happy were sleeping to only discover both boys were still asleep.
"Well that's a surprise...maybe I have enough time to finally write my story again."
Lucy smiled at the thought of finally being able to write again as she left the room quietly to start writing.
[Some time later.]
Happy woke up to see Natsu was already awake jumping on his crib bedding the exceed covered himself back up not wanting to do more than to go to sleep
"Appy ub Appy ub wan pway!" Natsu said excitedly as he continued to bounce on his bed preventing Happy from sleeping peacefully as he originally planned.
"I don't wanna play Natsu, it's too early."
Happy said as he tried to ignore the toddler's jumping.
"Appy sun up, id ged up tie."
Natsu started shaking Happy in hopes to get the cat up so they can play.
"Natsu if you let me sleep we'll play later."
Happy pleaded with the child.
"That actually works."
Happy smiled as he started drifting off to sleep again, but a few seconds later he smelled something putrid.
"Eww! What is that?" Happy turned to Natsu to notice the boy's face was slightly red and he was grunting.
"Natsu are you really doing this now!"
Happy covered his nose.
Natsu finished his business and he started jumping in his bed again as if nothing happened.
"LUCY!!!" Happy shouted.
Lucy walked into the room and she started sniffing the air.
"Smells like someone needs a change." Lucy said as she lowered the crib gate and she took Natsu out and laid him on the changing station.
"Mama daipy."
Natsu started kicking his legs up playfully.
"How can something so small and cute make this bad of a smell."
Lucy removed Natsu's pajamas and she undid the dirty diaper.
"It smells so bad, do something Lucy." Said Happy covering his nose.
"Don't be overdramatic Happy."
Lucy tossed the dirty diaper into the trash and she went about wiping down the child and putting him in a clean diaper.
"And now you're all clean."
Lucy placed the toddler on the floor, whilst throwing Natsu's pajamas in a dirty clothes hamper leaving Natsu just in his diaper.
"Wait doesn't Natsu need clothes?" Happy asked.
"Nah we're not going anywhere besides he'll just get his breakfast all over anything he would've worn."
Lucy picked up Natsu and she carried him to the kitchen where she had breakfast prepared. Happy was surprised he didn't know Lucy could cook.
"Wow this looks good Lucy."
Happy said as he sat at the table.
"Thanks Happy I figured you two would be hungry."
Lucy sat Natsu in his highchair and she gave him a bowl of eggs and bacon which the child immediately started eating.
"Slow down Natsu there's plenty of food.
"He always eats like that." Happy said with his mouth full.
{Knock Knock}
"Who could that be?
Lucy left the kitchen and she went to her front door and opened it to reveal Gildarts.
"Gildarts? What are you doing here?" Lucy was surprised to see him here.
"Master told me the kid got into some trouble and I was told he was recovering here."
Said the orange haired man.
"Well about that." Lucy was trying to figure out a good way to explain the current situation.
Natsu toddled to Lucy and he held his hands up to the woman.
"Wait this kid looks familiar." 
Gildarts leaned in to get a good look of the child
"Did you and Natsu have a baby he looks just like his old man." Gildarts said causing Lucy to blush a deep red.
"HE'S NOT MY KID!!" shouted the young woman
"Mama ub" Natsu started jumping up Lucy.
"Ya sure?" Gildarts asked confused.
"Yes I'm sure...just come inside and I'll explain everything but don't break anything I'm renting this place."
Lucy welcomed the man in.
Gildarts stepped inside the house and he looked around.
"Nice place ya got here."
"You might want to sit down for this."
Gildarts sat on the chair across from Lucy.
"So this kid I have is Natsu."
"What!? So that's what Master meant when he said something was wrong with did this happen?"
"Black magic, he took the blow for me during our last job."
"Wow I heard magic like this in old stories and legends but never would I thought I'd see it in person."
"Yeah it's weird, we are still looking for a way to fix him."
"Ah ah!"
Natsu started reaching out to Gildarts.
"I think he wants you to hold him." Lucy handed the toddler to the older man.
"Hey do you remember me?."
Gildarts asked the toddler.
Said the toddler as pointed to his role model
"That's right little guy you do remember!"
Gildarts picks up Natsu and swings him around.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Natsu started laughing gleefully as he was having a blast.
"Be careful he's a baby now, you can't be rough with him."
Lucy said as she was preparing to catch the boy in case Gildarts drops the boy.
Gildarts caught the boy and he placed him on the floor.
"Gan gan Gida gan!!" Natsu raised his arms to Gildarts.
"Maybe later Natsu."
"Bud wan pway moe." Natsu whined
"You can play later." Lucy picked up the boy but he started pouting.
"That's the Natsu I know right there he always was a bit of a brat."
Gildarts started reminiscing on when Natsu was child.
"Don't be like that Natsu will a snack cheer you up?" Lucy smiled as she noticed boy perk up at the word "Snack"
"Me wan snaa me wan snaa!
"Alright go get Happy to help you get a snack okay."
Lucy placed the boy on the floor and he ran off to find Happy.
So since I'm taking care of Natsu for a while maybe you can give me some tips about him."
"I don't know much about him myself except he is always picking fights, eating, and being reckless."
"But he's always like that." Lucy sighed. "Well I will find out more about him as time goes on."
{Knock Knock}
"Someone else is knocking?"
Lucy opened her door to show that it was Cana this time.
 "Cana, why are you here?" Lucy asked the lady in front of her.
"Gildarts wanted to have a daddy-daughter day and I don't have the energy for that so I need you to hide for a couple of hours."
Cana quickly ran off with Gildarts chasing after her
"Get away from me!"
"Come back we have so much lost time to make up for!"
"Well..bye I guess."
Lucy closed her door and she went to the kitchen to clean up.
[Two hours later]
Lucy placed Natsu in his crib for his nap.
"There now it's me time."
{Knock Knock}
"Who is it this time." Lucy said exasperated as she opened her door and to see it was Cana again but this time she looked winded.
"I lost him."
Cana came inside the house and she sat on the couch.
"Where did he go?"
"Well he was close to catching me so I kinda kicked him into that river bank."
"Don't you think that's over doing it just a bit." Lucy scolded the drunkard.
Gildarts came inside the house he was dripping wet.
"Cana I finally found you sweetie!"
Gildarts hugged his daughter.
"I give up." Cana sighed.
Everyone turned their heads to see Natsu make his way out of his room.
"Natsu why are you still awake I just put you down for your nap."
Lucy picked up the groggy boy.
"Gida head gan." Natsu reached out towards the man.
"I nearly forgot about the whole baby thing.. he's kinda adorable." Cana rubbed the child's head.
"Hi Cama." Natsu said butchering his fellow guildmates' names.
"He's just so cute kinda makes me wish I had a baby brother."
Cana said.
"Well in that case I'll go adopt a baby for you Cana."
Gildarts was about to leave the house but Cana grabbed the man by his shirt.
"No, that's a terrible idea."
Natsu yawned again but he was trying to right the sleep that was threatening to overcome him.
"Someone really needs their rest."
"Noooooo." Natsu whined as he started reaching out to the Gildarts.
Natsu you can play later but right now it's nap time.
Natsu pouted but he snuggled up to Lucy, he was too tired to play.
"You should get some sleep little guy there will be plenty of time for you to play with me next time.
Gildarts rubbed the child's hand and the boy fell asleep.
Cana saw how Lucy was with Natsu and she thought about her mother.
"Hey...Dad how about we go hang out and see Mom's grave if that's alright with you." Cana asked her father to earn a smile and hug from the man.
"Of course we can do that."
Cana and Gildarts left the house.
"Well that was sweet maybe I should visit my parents too."
Lucy said as she got ready to sit down but.
"Mama!" Natsu shouted out to the celestial mage.
"Lucy! Natsu pooped his diaper again. It smells bad!!"
Happy cried out.
"Well time for me to be a parent again."

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