Day with Grey

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(In lucy's house)
(8:00 AM)
(Lucy was in the kitchen trying to feed her pink haired,half asleep,dragon slaying toddler, happy was holding natsu's head up trying to keep him awake)
Lucy=Come on natsu eat your breakfast, you were hungry earlier.
(Knock Knock)
Lucy=Happy can you take over for me while I answer the door.
Happy=I'll try.
(Lucy handed natsu's breakfast to happy)
Happy=Alright natsu open up.
(Lucy opened her door and she saw her mailman)
Mailman=Here's your mail and a envelope your eyes only.
Lucy=Thank you.
(Lucy closed her door and she began looking through the mail)
Lucy=Let's see.....subscription offer.....wizard diapers....might actually keep!!!
Happy=What's wrong.
Lucy=The rent oh my god oh my god it's due tomorrow ummm I need to do a job and fast I gotta head to the guild...wait I have children with me who's gonna watch you and natsu!
(Knock knock)
Lucy=Who can it be this time.
(Lucy opened her door to find grey and erza, the two mages were stunned to see that lucy looked like a mess)
Gray=Hey lucy everything okay you look stressed.
Lucy=Rent is due tomorrow I need a job it can be anything.
Erza=Well there was this job at the guild it involves a rouge group of mages.
Lucy=(Gulp) Okay I can do it.
(Lucy quickly threw a bag together for natsu)
Erza=Good I like your spirit I was going to leave tomorrow but you have inspired me to leave right this moment.
(Erza grabbed lucy's hand and left in a hurry)
Gray=Hey wait.
Lucy=Gray watch the boys.
(With that said erza and lucy went to the train station)
Gray=Well natsu,happy let's go to my place.
Natsu=Go wi daddy?
Gray=Yeah you two are with me today.
Happy=What did lucy put in natsu's bag?
Gray=He has clothes and a bunch of diapers and other stuff.
Happy=You have to grab his stroller.
Gray=What's a stroller?
Happy=You don't know?
Gray=I'm new to this baby thing.
Happy=A stroller is like a baby bed on wheel's and you push it around.
Gray=Where is it?
Happy=I'll get it.
(Happy left the living room to grab natsu's stroller)
Happy=Here it is you just have to put him in it.
Gray=How do you know so much about babies.
Happy=Well I am the big brother now and it is my responsibility to know about my baby brother....also lucy showed me.
Natsu=Ba ba.
Gray=Ba ba?
Happy=He means he wants his bottle.
Gray=Where is it.
Happy=Check his bag.
(Gray looked in natsu's diaper bag and he found the bottle)
Gray=Alright I need some milk.
Happy=You have to use special milk.
Gray=And where is that at.
Happy=His bag.
Gray=I need to look through this bag later.
(Gray grabbed a small grey carton of chocolate milk and he poured it into natsu's bottle)
Gray=Here drink up kid.
(Natsu began to drink from his bottle)
Gray=Are we finally ready.
Happy=Aye sir.
(Gray left lucy's house and he used his maker magic to seal the front door shut since lucy forgot to lock her door or give him a key)
Happy=I use to wonder where you lived.
Gray=I live in a apartment building it's nothing special.
(Once gray reached his apartment building he grabbed his keys to open the main door and after climbing a short flight of stairs he opened the door to his apartment)
Gray=Welcome to my place.
(Happy pulled natsu out of his stroller)
Natsu=Ba ba!
Happy=Hold on it's right here.
(Happy quickly gave natsu his bottle)
Gray=So you guys want to watch something on the lacrima vision.
Happy=Yeah what's on.
Gray=I dunno.
(Natsu climbed onto gray's lap)
Gray=You know there is a whole seat right next to me.
(Natsu ignored his pseudo father's comment and he continued to snuggle himself onto gray)
Gray=(Blushes)I guess you can sit on me but don't try to bother me.
Happy=So what are we gonna do today.
Gray=What do you mean "what are we going to do today" today is just sitback,relax and watch tv.
Happy=Sounds boring.
Natsu=Daddy wan pway.
Gray=But i'm tired.
(At Magnolia Park)
Gray=Why do I always put up with this.
Natsu=Daddy pway wi me.
Grey=I don't want to.
Gray=Okay okay calm down no water works.
Natsu=Heh heh.
Grey=So what are we doing?
Natsu=Sady castle.
Grey=Sand castles.
Natsu=My sady castle reawy big.
Grey=You do that.
Natsu=Daddy pway sady castle too.
Gray=Not now maybe later.
Gray=Why don't you build a big one for daddy.
Natsu=Sady castle for daddy!
(So natsu began working on his sand castle for gray)
Gray=There that should keep him busy.
Happy=So when is lucy coming back?
Grey=Maybe in a few days.
Natsu=Daddy diapy.
Happy=Umm it's his need to change him.
Grey=No way I don't do diapers.
Happy=Well you kinda have to.
(Grey picked up natsu and he laid natsu on the park bench)
Happy=Wait there might be people looking.
Grey=Ice Make:Wall!
Happy=I guess that's one way to solve it.
Grey=I seen lucy do this all the time so it should be easy.
(Ten seconds later)
Grey=Stop moving natsu!
Natsu=Ha ha ha ha!
Grey=Got you!
(Grey managed to get the diaper on natsu)
Grey=You're more trouble than you're know that.
(Natsu started to gnaw on his fingers.)
Grey=What you hungry?
Happy=It's lunch time.
Grey=What do you want to eat?
Natsu=Me wan hot me wan hot!!
Happy=He wants fire, but lucy tell him to not eat it all the time.
Natsu=Noo...m..mommy say me ead hot.
Grey=Well lucy is not here so I say, let the kid eat fire.
Happy=Can I have fish.
Grey=Let's head back to my place.
(Grey's Apartment)
Grey=Hmm how will I make fire?
Happy=Use your oven.
Grey=It's an electric oven.
Happy=How can you make fire.
(Grey went into his closet and he brought out his grill)
Happy=Are you sure we should light this inside.
Grey=I am a pro at this don't worry.
(So grey lit up the grill)
Natsu=Hot Hot Hot!!!!
(Natsu ate the fire from the grill)
Grey=Wow big appetite.....want more?
Natsu=Uh huh.
(So grey lit the grill ten more times, natsu eating fire faster each time)
.Natsu=No moe hot.
Grey=Alright now that you guys had food we're all good.
Happy=I already had fish in my bag.
Grey=What got a stomach ache.
Happy=Eww natsu pooped himself.
Grey=(Sighs)Man now I have to change him.
(Grey picked up natsu and placed him on his table)
Grey=Alright let's just get this over with.
(Grey took off natsu shorts)
Grey=Wait he's not finished.
(Natsu's diaper caught on fire and soon his entire body was on fire)
Happy=He's on fire!
(Grey quickly grabbed a fire extinguisher and he sprayed it natsu, but the foam that covered natsu disintegrated)
Grey=Nothings working!!!
Happy=Wait I have a idea.
(Happy wrapped natsu in a blanket)
(That made it worse)
Grey=My apartment!!
Grey=Put him in the bathtub.
(In the bathroom)
(Grey ran cold water in his bathtub while happy lured natsu into the tub with a piece of chocolate)
(The water began to boil and it soon evaporated)
(After about five hours of trial and error grey resorted to placing natsu on a mat of tin foil and just kept on using a fire extinguisher)
(8:00 PM)
(Knock Knock)
(Happy opened the door and it was lucy and erza)
Lucy=We're back with tons of jewels.
Lucy=Natsu did you eat a bunch of fire again.
Lucy=Are you lying.
Lucy=Alright here.
(Lucy fed natsu a crystalized ball, and the fire that had engulfed natsu went away)
Grey=What was that.
Lucy=Ice make chill pill.
Natsu=Heh heh me nakey.
Lucy=Not for long.
(Lucy placed natsu in a diaper and a shirt)
Lucy=Alright natsu say bye to daddy.
Natsu=Bye bye daddy.
Happy=Bye grey.
Lucy=Hey grey....thanks.
(With that lucy left)
Erza=Sounds like you had a rough day.
Grey=You don't even know the half of it.

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