Natsu Reads

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This is her idea so shot out to her
(Fairy Tail Guild)
(Natsu was with lucy while the celestial mage herself was reading a book the lucy had the toddler on her lap as she read to him out loud despite the book being about lover's drama)
Lucy=He did not do that.
Lucy=Well natsu sometimes people do unnecessary things like ethan.
Levy=Are you reading the latest book of lover's quarrel to natsu?
Lucy=Yes it was the only way to keep him still and also I cannot get enough of this book, like what sense does it make ethan to marry the stuck up girl that he dislikes for a year just so he could get back at anna who he really loves.
Levy=I think he does it to show how much he wants to be with anna.
Lucy=Yes natsu.
Natsu=Me wan wead mama.
Lucy=Oh natsu you don't know how to read.
Natsu=Me wead mama.
Levy=Aww why don't we teach him how to read.
Lucy=Are you sure, natsu has a thing for not concentrating on a certain thing for too long.
Natsu=Me do id mama an me be reawy reawy good.
Lucy=I don't know.
Levy=It'll be fun.
Lucy=Okay you can try.
Levy=Cool I have a entire plan for him.
Natsu=Auntie mak me wead.
Lucy=Let's get started.
(Levy left then a few minutes later she came back with a early childhood book)
Levy=Here let's start with this.
Lucy=Where did you get this from?
Levy=I got it from macao he has a ton of these from when romeo was little.
(Lucy placed natsu on the table and levy placed the book infront of him)
Levy=Okay natsu let's start with this word.
Lucy=Make sure you sound it out.
Natsu=Wad dat?
Lucy=It means to say what you see like this word is apple.
Lucy=Sorta apple with a P.
Natsu=A...a...a p..p..ple.
Levy=He said it.
Lucy=Close but remember with a p.
Natsu=Me wan wead now.
Levy=Well you have to know more words first.
Natsu=Dat too wong.
Levy=No it's not too long.
Natsu=Me wead wook.
(Natsu grabbed the book and he to read but he could not make out the words).
Levy=How about we get a different book.
Natsu=Nooo wan wead dis one.
Levy=Okay okay we can read this book.
Lucy=Well alright levy we should head home it's getting late and it's almost natsu's bedtime.
Natsu=Bye bye auntie.
Levy=Bye natsu.
(Lucy house)
(In the bathroom)
(Lucy was getting ready to give natsu his bath before his bedtime so she started to make the bath water)
Lucy=Natsu you have been awfully quiet.
(Lucy looked back at natsu to see him still attempting to read his book he had it upside down)
Lucy=Natsu are you still trying to read.
Natsu=Uh huh.
(Lucy turned off the water faucet and she poured some bubble bath liquid into the tub)
Lucy=Alright not too hot and not too cold okay natsu bath time.
(Lucy undid natsu's diaper and threw it in the trash)
Lucy=Okay natsu let me see the book for a minute.
(Lucy had grabbed the book, but natsu had protested)
Natsu=Noooo wan wead wan wead.
Lucy=But natsu you have to take a bath and you cannot read a book in the bath you might drop it.
Natsu=Noooo me won do dat!!
Lucy=Just wait you will not be in here long.
Lucy=It's gonna be one of those nights.
(So lucy began to bathe natsu despite the toddler splashing and kicking on the account of him losing his book lucy manage to get him clean so she took him out of the bathtub and dried him off)
Lucy=Okay here's your book.
Natsu=Me wead.
(So natsu resumed his activity of "reading" the book he had which it was still upside down)
Lucy=Okay natsu let's get you dressed.
(Lucy slipped natsu into a diaper and then she slipped him in his red footed pajamas)
(In Natsu's Room)
Lucy=Okay natsu time for bed.
(Lucy placed natsu inside his crib with happy)
Happy=He has been trying to read that a lot today.
Lucy=I know he won't put that book down for anything.
Natsu=Me wan wead.
Happy=I see I'll read for you.
(Happy took the book so he could read it to natsu)
Natsu=Nooo me wead id myself.
Lucy=Let him have it he will tucker himself out.
(Happy handed natsu the book)
Lucy=Well I am going to bed see you guys tomorrow.
(Lucy switched on a night light and she left the room)
Happy=Are you still trying to read the book?
Natsu=Me wead.
(The Next Day)
(In Lucy's Room)
Lucy=(Yawn)okay time to get the boys up.
(Lucy got up and she went inside Natsu's room)
(Natsu's room)
Lucy=Hey guys time to get up.
Happy=Hi lucy.
Lucy=Natsu are you still sleepy.
Happy=He stayed up trying to read his book.
(Lucy took the book from the sleeping toddler)
Lucy=Why is he so fixed on this book.
Natsu=Me wan wead!
Lucy=You stayed up last night trying to read it why.
Natsu=Me wan wead to mama.
Lucy=You want to read to me.
Natsu=Me wead cuz mama always wead to me so me wead to mama.
Lucy=Natsu that's adorable but you can read to me later okay you need some breakfast and some more sleep.
(Lucy carried natsu to the kitchen and happy followed behind her)
Lucy=Okay I made pancakes and eggs.
(Lucy gave happy three stacks,herself one stack with eggs and she had cut natsu's pancake into pieces)
Lucy=Okay eat up.
(After breakfast lucy had place natsu back into his crib so he can get some more sleep)
Lucy=He's so determined, he always have been.
(12:06 PM)
Lucy=Hey natsu you feel better rested.
(Natsu raised his arms indicating he wanted to be picked up)
Lucy=Alright now we can finally read that book.
Natsu=Me wead?
Lucy=Yes you read.
Natsu=Me wead me wead me wead!!
Lucy=Okay calm down let's get you changed first then we can read.
(After lucy changed natsu's diaper she brought him to the living room she sat in her recliner and she had place the young dragon slayer on her lap)
Lucy=Okay natsu you have been working hard just so you can read to mommy.
Lucy=Okay natsu here's the book can you try to read for mama.
Natsu=Yeah yeah me wead foe mama!!
Lucy=Okay read.
Natsu=Wan wead foe appy do.
Lucy=You want to read for happy too.
Natsu=Uh huh.
Lucy=Happy get in here!
Lucy=Natsu wants to read to both of us.
Happy=Well I don't know.
Natsu=Pwease appy.
(Happy hovered over natsu so he could see the book)
Lucy=Okay natsu you can read to us.
Natsu=Me wead.
Natsu=Umm dey mak house.
Lucy=Yeah and.
Natsu=An an dey....don wike house.
Lucy=Why not?
Natsu=Ummm....grr can't do id!!!?
(Natsu threw his book to the other side of the room)
Natsu=Grrr can't do id.
(Natsu teared up)
Natsu=(Sob sob)
Lucy=Natsu it's okay.
(Lucy hugged natsu)
Lucy=Oh you're body kinda warm... now it's scorching hot!!
(Lucy quickly placed natsu on the floor)
Natsu=Me twy wead but me don wead wike mama.
Lucy=It's okay to feel discouraged, but I am proud of you natsu wheater you can read or not.
(Lucy held natsu's head up)
Lucy=You have been working real hard to try to read for me don't feel sad that you can't read to me.
Natsu=No sad?
Lucy=That's right you're only a year old going on two you will have plenty of time to learn how to read.
Lucy=Yeah and when you do learn how to read me and happy will be there to hear you read to us.
(Natsu used his sleeves to wipe his tears)
Natsu=Otay mommy me won dob tryna wead.
Lucy=There we go..hey how about we get some ice cream.
Natsu=Me wike ishe cweam mama!
Happy=I love ice cream too.
Lucy=Okay guys let's get dressed then we can go.
(So after lucy got herself and natsu dressed she left her house with natsu holding her hand and happy flying besides her they left to go get their dairy treat)

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