A Normal Morning

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(Lucy woke up she had a peaceful sleep last night, she turned around to face gray)
Gray=Hey honey how'd you sleep?
Lucy=Pretty good I had this dream it was a memory of me and natsu when he was a baby.
Gray=Heh think about all the time has passed since then.
Lucy=Yeah fourteen years flew by fast.
Grey=Sure did.
Lucy=(sighs)I better get started on breakfast I know how hungry the boys get.
(Twenty minutes later)
(Lucy knocked on the door of what use to be many things but currently serves to be the room to two teens)
Lucy=Wake up boys.
Lucy=Breakfast is ready.
(As soon as lucy said that she heard rustling coming from the room when the door opened she found her fifteen year old son and his ninteen year old exceed who was now the size of eight year old child)
Natsu=Hey mom what we having?
Happy=Lucy you I can see your roots.
(Lucy put happy into a headlock).
Happy=I give I give uncle uncle!
Natsu=Dude mom totally have you under her thumb.
Lucy=Not just happy.
(Lucy then proceeded to put natsu in a headlock)
Natsu=Ow ow ow ow ow ow!!
Lucy=Alright you two enough playing around time for breakfast.
(In the kitchen)
Natsu=Food is delicious mom.
Lucy=Thanks sweetie.
Gray=So what's on everyone's agenda today I am gonna stop by the guild and chill there for a bit.
Natsu=Me, happy, and mila are going on a job together.
Gray=You and your girlfriend.
Natsu=She's not my girlfriend dad.
Happy=They soo date each other.
Natsu=Shut it happy!!!
Lucy=That's enough boys, you will not fight during breakfast again, I just bought this table.
Natsu=Sorry mom.
Happy=Sorry lucy.
Lucy=Now finish your breakfast, mila should be here any moment.
Happy=Aye sir!
(Natsu and happy quickly finished their food and they went to their shared room to get ready)
Lucy=That was fast.
(Knock Knock)
Lucy=That must be her.
(Lucy opened the door to natsu's childhood friend mila)
Mila=Hey Miss.Lucy.
Lucy=Hey mila natsu and happy are getting ready right now, why don't you come in.
(Mila walked into the house)
Lucy=Why don't you sit down and look at this.
(Lucy handed a photo album of natsu)
(Five minutes later)
Natsu=Okay me and happy are ready.
Mila=Ha ha ha ha!!!
Natsu=Mila you're here...what's so funny?
Lucy=And this was the time when natsu wanted to be a super hero you might remember this.
Mila=Yeah I think I do we were babies back then
Lucy=He called himself diaper boy.
Lucy=Here he is now.
Mila=Hey diaper boy ready to do the job.
Natsu=We were babies mila!
(Natsu began to blush)
Happy=Someone's blushing.
Natsu=Shut up happy!!
Lucy=Okay that's enough everyone, you guys ready.
Mila=Yeah I got the map and the train tickets.
Natsu=Good let's go!
Happy=Aye sir!
(So the three kids ran out the house)
(Natsu and happy ran back inside the house and hugged lucy)
Natsu=Love you mom.
Happy=Later lucy.
Natsu=Bye dad!
Happy=Bye gray!
(Natsu and happy left the house)
Lucy=Those two are a handful.
Gray=But we raised them.
Lucy=And we love them.
Gray=Anyways I gotta head out to.
Lucy=Okay be careful
(Gray walked towards lucy and held her in a loving embrace)
Gray=Love you.
(Lucy and Gray were both moving in for a kiss but before that happened)
(Lucy had shot up breathing heavil
Lucy=What a dream.
(Lucy looked around her to see natsu sleeping next to her)
Lucy=He's still a baby.
Happy=Lucy what's wrong?
Lucy=Nothing just had a dream.
Happy=Was it a nightmare?
Lucy=Not really..anyways you should go back to sleep.
(So happy laid back down next to natsu and he fell asleep)
Lucy=Weird dream.

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