Another day at the guild

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Lucy stood in front of the Fairy tail guild quest board looking at the posted jobs available while Natsu and Happy were sitting at a table neaby eating breakfast, she needed the jewels to pay next months rent normally she would have no problem finding a job for herself but things change when there are kids involve. That is another dilemma Lucy now faces, who would watch Natsu for a few hours while she goes out on a job
Lucy continued to think as she was wondering who could babysit.
The blonde mage turned around to see Levy carrying a dark haired  toddler with her who was drinking from a bottle.
"Hey Levy."
Lucy replied as she shifted her gaze to the toddler in her friends arms who waved at her.
"So, Master really did dump the kid on you."
Lucy said to her friend
"Yeah he did but as it turns out I kinda like having a kid around Tobi is a sweetheart."
Levy placed the boy down on the table floor
"You've had better than me, Natsu has a been a handful.
Lucy sighed.
Natsu ran up to Lucy and he tugged on the blond's skirt.
"What is it Natsu?"
"Pway wi Mama"
Natsu tugged on Lucy's hand.
"Not now Natsu, I'm busy why don't you play with Happy."
Natsu started whining
"Mama pway!"
Lucy looked up to Levy.
"See what I mean."
Levy bent down to Tobi.
"Hey, sweetie why don't you go play with Natsu while the grown ups talk."
The boy hid behind Levy.
"Come on, why don't you show Natsu your toys."
Levy handed the boy two trains and she gently pushed him towards Natsu.
Tobi asked as he held a train to Natsu.
Natsu took the train and he proceeded to play with it.
"There done."
Levy said.
Lucy sat down at a table with Levy.
"So how have things been with you."
Lucy asked.
"Pretty good actually, Tobi is a good kid.... you're not mad at him are you Lucy?"
Levy asked.
"Just the older version of him for putting me and Natsu in this situation."
"Well don't worry me and the rest of Fairy tail will raise him up right."
"I hope so."
Lucy stood up again and she started scanning the job board until her eyes landed on job that seemed almost too good to be true.
"What you find Lucy?"
Levy asked, noticing her friend's change in attitude.
"A job that I can do literally right now."
Lucy pondered as she scanned the paper.
"What's the catch? It can't be that convient."
Levy asked.
Lucy showed Levy the paper and she pointed to a skimpy out that was in lower left corner of the flyer which was a midriff shirt and shorts that would show off the full length of her legs.
" least it's cute."
Levy tried to give Lucy comfort, which caused Lucy to groan in response.
"I don't want to do it, but they pay extra for mages with I quote "Flashy magic and a rocking body."
Lucy put her head down on the table.
"You know you don't have to do it if you don't want to."
Said Levy.
"No I have to....the money is too good."
Lucy said said as she turned to Natsu.
"Now another problem who's gonna babysit.
"I can babysit him if you want."
Levy said.
"Wait really...are you sure he's kinda of a handful."
"Yeah I'm sure and besides all babies are."
Levy assured her friend
"Well if you say so."
Lucy handed Levy a bag.
"Here is all his stuff you know diapers, spare clothes, and some snacks."
"You came prepared."
Levy looked at the big bag which was filled with the baby supplies no
"You have to when it comes to this guy."
Lucy grabbed the flyer.
"Alright I'm going out now tell Happy I'm on a job and let Natsu know too."
Lucy then left the guild.
Levy sat and watch both Natsu and Tobi play with each other for a few minutes until Natsu got up from his spot and he ran to where Lucy was sitting at moments ago.
Natsu started looking around.
"Hey Natsu, your mommy left for a little bit but she'll be back soon okay."
"Mama go."
Natsu sat on the floor as he started tearing up.
"It's okay, don't cry she'll be back soon."
"Waaaaaaaaah Mama!!"
Natsu started crying loudly.
"What's wrong Natsu."
Happy asked as he flew over to the crying toddler.
"Lucy had left to do a job."
Levy picked up Natsu and she started rocking the child to calm him down.
"Shhhh, it's okay no tears."
Levy whispered as she continued to rock the child but this cause the other child Tobi to get jealous.
"Mommy Mommy!"
Tobi shouted
"Yes what is it Tobi."
The boy lifted up his arms.
"Hold on how about we get."
Levy started looking around the guild until she saw Gajeel and Pantherlilly enter the guild.
"Let's go get daddy."
Levy walked over to Gajeel
"Hey, Gajeel how your mission go?"
"It wasn't anything special."
Gajeel looked down at the child in his girlfriend's hands.
"Whose the kid?"
"Right, you weren't here for the explanation well this is Natsu."
Gajeel looked confused.
"A mage used dark magic on him and turned him into a baby."
Levy explained to the dragon slayer
"Ha, serves him right."
Gajeel started laughing.
"That's not funny Gajeel, the same thing could've happened to you with how head strong you are."
Pantherlilly said to his partner.
"Whatever.... who's the other brat."
Gajeel looked down at Tobi who hid behind Levi.
"He was the black mage that turned Natsu into a kid but it backfired and he ended up like this...he might be living with us."
Levy sheepishly said.
"For how long?"
Gajeel asked.
"Not long.....maybe eighteen or twenty years."
Gajeel shouted.
Pantherlilly smiled.
"He's right he can barely take care of himself much less a child."
"You're suppose to be on my side!"
Gajeel said to his cat.
"Anyways, Tobi this is Gajeel, he is gonna be your daddy."
Tobi looked the man.
Gajeel picked up the child.
"Look at that I have my own since I can't fight Natsu anymore this kid will fight in my stead."
Levi smacked Gajeel on his head.
"That's not what kids are for!!"
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Natsu started laughing.
"Hey brat that's not funny!"
Gajeel said to Natsu but the toddler responded by grabbing the man's long hair and he began to pull on it.
"Ow, let go!"
Gajeel shouting only made Natsu laugh harder.
"He forgot about Lucy?"
Happy asked Levy.
"Yeah for now."
Levy replied.
Natsu stopped pulling on Gajeel's hair he lifted up his shirt.
"What's wrong Natsu does your tummy hurt?"
Natsu said as he pointed to his stomach.
"Oh, you're hungry, well it is lunch time."
Levy picked up the child.
"What do you want to eat Natsu?"
Levy looked down at the child not really expecting an answer.
Natsu said again.
"Let's take you to Mira, she might have something for you.
Levy carried the toddler to the bar counter where she could get the toddler something to eat.
"Hey Levy, and hello Natsu how are you today?"
Natsu lowered his head.
"Mama go."
"Don't worry Lucy is going to comeback but until then would you like to have something to eat,it might make you feel better.
Natsu perked up at the promise of food
Mira giggled at Natsu's quick attitude change.
"That's right food."
The mage placed a plate of spaghetti on the bar counter.
Natsu was ready to eat but before he could put his hands on the dish he was pulled back.
"Hold on Natsu, I need to feed you."
levy said as she sat Natsu on her lap and she began feeding him"
Natsu read liked this food
Levy continued feeding the toddler, surprised at how much he was eating.
"Wow he sure loves to eat."
"Yeah he always had a big appitiete."
Mira rubbed the child's head.
After a few minutes Natsu had finished eating his food.
"He ate all of it"
Levy placed the boy on the bar counter
"You're all done Natsu."
Mira asked the boy.
"No fewd."
Natsu said.
"Well of course there's no food you ate it all."
Levy picked the boy up again.
"You're just a little black hole aren't you.
"I hope eating that much food doesn't give him a tummy ache."
Said the take over mage
"Let's just hope Lucy gets back before his lunch ends up somewhere else."
Natsu let out a yawn.
"I guess a full stomach made him tired."
Levy picked up the boy and started rocking him to sleep
"I don't know how I am gonna watch him and Tobi at the same time."
Said the scribe mage.
"I can watch him for a while of you need me to."
Mirajane volunteered.
"Are you sure he's kind of a handful."
Levy warned.
"It's fine besides I help take care of Elfman as a baby."
Levy handed Natsu to Mira.
"Now I gotta see how Gajeel looked s handling Tobi.
Levy went to go look for Gajeel.
Mirajane looked down at the sleeping toddler in her hands and smiled.
"He's really adorable when he's asleep."
The mage placed Natsu in a crib she had Makarov put behind the bar which allowed Natsu to sleep peacefully.
[Two Hours Later]
Natsu woke up from his nap feeling pretty well rested but now he wanted to play, but for now he felt kinda weird.
"Hey sleepy head, how was your nap."
Lisanna picked up Natsu but the boy froze up and he made a strange face.
"You okay Natsu."
Lisanna asked but then the smell had big her, she then realized what just happened.
"Did someone just make stinky."
Lisanna laid out a towel on the floor and she grabbed Natsu's diaper bag and pulled out everything she needed to change the toddler and after completing her task in under a minute she disposed of the diaper and she stood the boy to his feet whom of which was now full of energy.
"Appy Appy!!"
Natsu called out to his exceed Happy.
"You want to play Happy?"
Lisanna picked up the boy.
"Pway Appy!"
Levy walked back to the bar with Happy following her.
"I can see someone is up."
Levy picked up the boy whom of which started reaching for Happy.
"Appy Appy."
Natsu continued calling the blue exceed's name.
"I think he wants to play with you Happy."
Levy put Natsu down and the toddler started jumping up to the exceed this caused the cat to land on the floor."
"You can't catch me Natsu."
Happy started running away and Natsu went to go chase after him
"Was he any trouble."
Levy asked.
"No, he was an angel."
Mira replied.
Levy said surprised.
"Yeah he went to sleep peacefully no issues."
"Well lets hope he'll continue being an angel."
Levy continued to talk with Mira while Happy led Natsu over to where Gajeel was.
"So he's still a baby?"
Said Gajeel
"Well of course I don't think we can fix this in a manner of hours."
Pantherlilly replied
Gajeel smiled
No matter, now where is his cat at I want my cat to fight him."
Happy shouted
Pantherlily sighed
"I'm not going to fight Happy, so stop entertaining the idea."
"Why does Gajeel always want to make Lily fight me."
Happy asked.
Natsu looked over at Pantherlilly
Natsu said reaches up to the to the older exceed.
It's strange, I never seen magic like this before it strange not even in Edolas."
Pantherlilly said as he scanned over Natsu
"Is black magic exclusive to our world?"
Happy asked
"Magic was limited back in Edolas there wasn't enough of it for us to experiment with it like people do here."
Pantherlily said.
While Pantherlily was busy talking to Happy Natsu took no time to grab Lily's tail and start yanking on him.
"Baaah ah ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!"
The toddlers screeched happily.
"Ahhh let me go!!!"
The panther shouted.
At this point Natsu started to swing lily around and while the toddler was having fun.
Hey, stop mauling my cat brat give him here!"
Gajeel yelled.
Natsu replied
No?, Brat give me my cat."
Gajeel started pulling the cat away from natsu which was hurting the cat.
Ow ow ow, easy you two!"
"Let him go he's mine I own him."
Gajeel said as he continued to tug on Lily
"Mm m mine!!!!"
Natsu shouted as he refused to let go of the exceed
"I'm not an object!!"
Pantherlilly shouted
Gajeel manages to "gently" pull Pantherlilly away from Natsu"
"There, you okay Lily?"
Gajeel asked.
"Yeah, but would it have killed you to be a bit more gentle."
Natsu opens and closes his hands for an little bit processing what had happened.
Natsu looked up at Gajeel teary eyed
"No he is my cat and you have your own."
Natsu sniffling he really wanted to play with Pantherlilly.
"Cry all you want you're not getting him."
"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah miiiine mine mine mine!!!!!
"No he is not."
So Natsu started to throw a fit he kicked his feet beat the table with his fist and cried loudly so he can get Lily but Gajeel refused
"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah miiine waaaaaaaaaaah!!!!"
Natsu continued to cry louder.
Levy ran over to the group.
"What's going on here?"
The scribe mage asked.
"He was trying to maul Pantherlilly
Gajeel replied.
"He just plays rough."
Happy said.
"Natsu look play with this."
Levy handed the toddler a teddy bear which Natsu instantly threw to the floor and continue to throw a tantrum
"Waaaaaaaah mine kitty!!!"
"You can't have my cat maul yours to death."
Happy shouted
The guild doors opened to reveal Lucy."
"I'm back."
Said the blond mave
"Hey lucy thank goodness you're here Natsu is throwing a tantrum.
"Long story."
Levy replied.
"Mine mine mine waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!"
Shouted the toddler
Lucy walked up to the toddler
"Whats wrong sweetie."
Lucy asked
Natsu replied as he pointed to Pantherlilly which caused Gajeel to hug the exceed.
"No he is not yours."
Natsu started whimpering
"This is."
Lucy presented a red stuffed dragon doll
Natsu stared at the toy in silence
"There you go a brand new toy."
Lucy handed the toy to Natsu
"Yeah, its all yours."
Natsu then hugs the toy.
"Mine toy."
Lucy picked up the toddler.
"I think it's time we went home."
Lucy said as she motioned for Happy to follow her.
"Thanks again Levy sorry he caused so much trouble."
Lucy said to her friend.
"It's okay he wasn't like until Gajeel stepped in."
Levy replied.
Lucy then left the guild with Natsu and Happy in tow

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