Shout out♡

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Many times I've wanted to finish this book because I didn't think it was good and doubted it. But y'alls comments would always inspire me to continue writing. Thank you again to anyone who bothered reading this story and for the comments and votes. I made a new cover and put on it some of the comments that inspired me to continue writing. I couldn't even fit all the comments I wanted to put. >.<

I'm gonna put a bunch of usernames. Follow everyone listed and then you'll get a bunch of followers in return. (idk I just see these on twitter)

Comments on the cover belong to:

BubblineVauseman / OfficallyLoveBooks / Nerdkitten824 / TinyBeverMonster666 / XxSadieKawaiixX / Ivana0418 / BubblyButton / AshPedal / justapotatowalrus / Dragons333 / jessaliu / ra1n01 / Ace_Gamer_3 / overdrive13 / kynine09

And other awesome people who comment and vote. Comment if I left out your username, I just went through the comments and typed in names I notice often (from voting).

@ShepardAndJack / Dreamscape_princess / whittabi / Brocolicious / lukessugarmomma / ceipo / Love_Tayz / legitdude2416 / we_are_all_gay /blue_dauntless_cake / kayla_flame_scorpio / TammaChann / RachelSmith255 / lapidot_for_life / cheesy-ramen / keeptoread

Thank you again! I love you all will update soon. *hand heart* it's supposed to be cheesy ;) xoxo- abby

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