Chapter #10

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Ron still manged to give me butterflies. But what was once love had turned into fear. So many negative emotions would make me go insane. More than I already was. I had made this invisible wall around myself and I promised myself that I wasn't going to let anybody in for a long time now. Pain is known to change people. It makes them trust less, overthink more and shut people out.

Nights scared me. I dreaded going to bed and once i was in bed, i waited for the emptiness to wash over me. If flashbacks could kill, i would have been dead for a hundred times already. Just when I thought everything was okay, there was night time and then I wasn't sure how to distract myself anymore. The wise part (the very little that i had) wanted so badly to move on but the lovesick part of me wanted to hold on to the memories. Some say that you never know what you had until it's gone. I say different. You know exactly what you have. You just never thought you would loose it.


Me: Ron you really need to chill ! I don't know why I told this to you in the first place ! Can you please stop overreacting ?

Ron: He actually had the nerve to say that to you ? And you expect me to chill ? Bloody cheapo ! How the hell can he propose to you twice when he already knows about us ?! Damn him !

So this guy classmate of mine had proposed to me twice and Ron got mad. To be honest, it was sweet to see him all jealous and possesive.

I sighed at the thought of not getting to see this side of him again. But surprisingly , i was starting to feel better. I, once again, found jokes to be funny, to be able to laugh, to be able to breathe completely in the evening air. I had forgotten such simple pleasures. But no matter what happens, some memories can never be replaced. And some should'nt be replaced. They are best as memories.

Hey ! I know the chapter is small ! Sorry :p
I hope my chapters so far are helping those to need it :) They would know what i mean ;)
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