Chapter #17

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If this would have been a couple months back , I would have struggled to find positives within Ron and his attitude but today , I didn't have to try much. I could easily list out the things that had an impact on me.

He taught that if you feel that you aren't enough respected in someone's life , leave ! Love and respect yourself enough to know what's good for you. Don't get too attached to someone that your happiness depends on them. Nothing lasts forever except you yourself. Everything ends but you are all you have at the end of the day hence, love yourself before you love anyone else.

You have plenty of time to find someone to fall in love with. In the meantime please fall in love with the beauty of life, with the people in your life and with yourself because if you don't have all this first you will still have nothing. Its a beautiful world out there. Live.

Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure to keep it intact you must give it to no one. Not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with little hobbies and luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe , dark , motionless , airless , it will change. It will not be broken ; it will become unbreakable , impenetrable, irredeemable. Because to love is to be vulnerable.

It is okay if you take your own time to move on. Don't listen to people around you who say ,"Oh! You should have moved on already". Just because you take longer than the others doesn't mean you have lost. Sometimes you don't feel like letting go of things that make you miserable because it was once the only thing that made you happy. It is okay to not be happy and it is okay to not try. But, what's most important in the end is whether you fight it , no matter how long you take.

There will be a day that someone says his name and you won't be so sad anymore , that you will be drinking his favourite drink and won't be thinking of him the whole time, that someone will call you by a nickname and it won't remind you of all the nicknames that he used to give that when someone says,"I love you", you won't laugh at their face and say,"I hate you too". Instead you'll just say "I don't miss him anymore". And you'll be happy without him. Just you , yourself.
Wait for that day because that would be the day when you would have finally Come Out Strong. Just like I did.

                  ------THE END-----

Heyyy ! So i am done with this book !! Thanks for 1K views ^_^
Okay. So this chapter was ONLY for people who have their own battles. I want them to know that all is not over and that there is still love left in this world no matter how little. That's what Pandora's jar had in the end -Hope.
Have faith and keep loving !
Also , i was having some ideas about a sequel sooo comment if you would like one. Make your 2k16 one awesome year !

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