Chapter #4

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The movie was almost coming to an end and by then i was totally convinced it was one of Nicky's pranks. Ron was sitting right beside me and i could hardly concentrate ! He was wearing a yellow t-shirt and had paired it with an army coloured jacket and blue sneakers. I paled in his comparison. All the time all i could think of was ,"He is sitting RIGHT BESIDE me !" I was in a trance as his beautiful perfume kept hitting me. "Concentrate idiot!",i told myself.

Suddenly he leaned in towards me and whispered,"Hey, i'm sorry it took me so long but you don't propose to someone as breathtaking as you everyday ,do you?". I knew no words. It was as if my tongue had never learnt how to speak! He mistook my silence as my 'time to think' and he said," that a...?" I nodded slightly. I was in love ! He was so gorgeous ! And since then all i could look at was him. It was best friendship turned into love and hey ! Ron was not just a friend anymore. He was definately something more than that. Something words failed to describe and most importantly, he was mine! And Nicky was held completely responsible for this.

Ten Months Later.

All i wanted to do was roll into a ball and cry. I called up Nicky on a February evening. I knew things were not good between me and Ron but i had no idea it would result into a break-up. A break up so terrible that all you wanted was the ground to swallow you up. "Hello?",i heard the familiar voice. "Oh Nicky!", i wailed,"he b..broke up Nick ! I..i can't talk i mean..I...." There were no tears to shed. I kept re-reading the text he had sent me.

Ron :')
I am done ! I am SO DONE with your sarcasm , your attitude and your stupid group of friends ! U can call me all the mean things u want but know what ? I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ! I don't give a damn about you or any bloody person related you. U can lead your own life and let me lead mine in peace. U can be happy ... But without me. Bye !

What did i do for him to send such a mean text ? I felt all the energy drain out of me on reading this. You know that feeling when you are so depressed that all the tears have dried and so all you do is look up at the ceiling while you can feel your heart break into a million pieces ? It was this.

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