Chapter #14

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"The absence of you
Carved a hole in my chest,
Still aching,
Despite the passing of time.
If I could talk to you now,
Fix my gaze on your face,
Or rest in your unwavering embrace,
I wouldn't let go,
I'd say I can't get through.
Nothing could have prepared me
For the absence of you.

A hot tear rolled down as i sighed. It was almost new year.

Nothing is same in a year.

I dreaded New Year's ever. I wanted time to stop and never to reach that day. Or even better, I wished I could rewind it. But then again, I just remained one in a few million whose prayers remained unanswered. Ah ! How I wanted to go back beneath the starry sky on New Year's eve.


"So you're coming ! Yaye !",Ron squealed like a girl from the other end of the phone.
"Dude I am on my way. You'll be seeing me in five minutes flat so can you hang up?",I replied.
"Aw as if I can ever get enough of you",he spoke back cheekily.
I rolled my eyes and hung up.

As promised, I turned up on his doorstep five minutes later with a cake in my hand. "Its New Years Eve!",I thought,excitement running through me. Ron pulled me to his room where his mother and a couple of her friends sat playing cards.
"Oh how good to see you dear!",she exclaimed. She seemes genuinely happy. "Play cards?", she asked and I refused shyly because I never really enjoyed cards and I loved watching Ron more.

A couple games later, he stood up and walked out of his room to light the balcony. "Will someone help me here?",he called out frustration evident in his voice.
"Ahem. Er.. Shouldn't you go and help him dear?",Mrs. Fletcher smiled cheekily at me. I blushed and hurried away out of the door.

"Oh it's beautiful!",I sighed as I looked at the balcony we had decorated. Together. "I'm glad you like it",he whispered in my ear as I smiled.
It was a tremendously cold December night and I had only worn a skinny jeans and a tank top. In other words, I was shivering.
"Um.. I hope its a little better now",he said wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on my shoulder.
"Umm Ron ? You think you can get the charcoal to light the grill?",Mrs. Fletcher said from behind us with a wide smile on her face. I pushed Ron away and pretended to check the already perfect lights,after of course, blushing crimson under the night sky!

The barbeque turned out to be splendid. Ron pulled out a chair for the two of us. The others were inside making other plans for dinner. He poured two glasses of coke as we sat under the cold night sky with the crescent ruling the dark. A fire burned merrily at a distance. At that moment, nothing was better. Just me and him.

"So",his voice interrupted my thoughts,"want to do anything fun before Cinderalla has to return home before twelve?"
"Yeah sure ! Dinner is fun !",I retorted.
"Hah funny! By the way , this is just one new year and you know what ? I would like to start and end all years with you. Just you. I love you".

*Flashback ends*

This memory gave me peace. It often bought a smile on my face. After making me tremendously sad of course.
But tell me , what are memories for ?
To make you laugh and cry at the same time of course !

Hey lovelies ! How ya doin ?
Remember this:
Always, Love a little more, Laugh a little louder and Live a little better. And have a nice day !
Lots of love !

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