04 -- Fake Numbers and Saw

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Hey everybody! Sorry it's been so long and expecially with that last chapter being a cliffhanger! I don't know when my next update will be yet. I'll have to wait and see.

Thanks for reading! You guys are the best! You all comment on how good the story is or how great of a writer I am and it makes me feel awesome! I love you all!

Here's the next chapter!


He leaned in and staring at my lips. I closed my eyes as his lips met mine. The kiss felt amazing. I got butterflies and felt all tingly. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

I felt somebody jerk me off of him. “Whoa, get the hell off of her, dude!” Alex yelled with a fist in the air ready to punch Cody. I turned around to face him and threw my hands up in the air.

“Can I have a nice time with my boyfriend in peace?!” I yelled out loud. His eyes popped out of his head. “Come on, Cody. We are going someplace where we won’t get jumped by my friends every five seconds.” I grabbed him and dragged him to my car. I opened the door to see Ryan and some chick were making out. I sighed and rubbed my head. I slammed the door.

Cody laughed and took my hand. It fit perfectly into mine. “Calm down. Seriously it’s okay. I’m having a good time as long as I’m with you. Let’s just walk around.” I smiled. This guy was really sweet. What was I talking about? This guy was just a prop for a bet. I know it sounded harsh, but he was nothing more.

I looked at him confused. “You won’t be jealous when I hang out with my friends or have sleepovers with them, will you?” If he wanted me to give up my friends he would be out of here faster than I could eat a piece of bacon.

He considered it. “I’m not going to make you stop hanging out with your friends. Although I really don’t like the idea of you alone in a house with a bunch of guys for a night, but if it makes you happy.” So sweet. Ah! Stop thinking that stupid brain!

I was happy he wasn’t going to make me give up my friends. I kissed his cheek with no warning. I blushed and looked away. He grabbed my chin and lifted it to his face. He was a good few inches taller than me. I was really short, only 5’2, but I was used to everyone being taller than me since I hung around guys.

He kissed me on the lips. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He picked me up and spun me around still kissing me. I pulled back laughing. We sat on a ledge where flowers were right outside the mall. He put his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered in my ear.

I looked at him like he was an angel sent from heaven. I had been called many things, but never beautiful. “Really?” I asked.

“More beautiful than anything.” I smiled at him. He leaned down for my lips again and I couldn’t wait to get the tingly feeling I got when I kissed him. My phone buzzed and we stopped midway about to kiss.

I answered my phone without bothering to look at caller ID. “What the hell do you want?!” I said coldly.

I heard Ashton on the other end, “Hey, calm down. We’re leaving.”

“Oh, sorry, Ashton. I’ll be there in a few.” I hung up and looked over at Cody sadly. “I’ve got to go.” He sadly nodded. He walked me back to the car. “Oh,” I grabbed his phone out of his back pocket and added my number. I smiled as I slid it back in keeping my hand on his back pocket. “Call me.” He smiled and nodded leaning in. I heard one of the guys cough. I rolled my eyes and pulled back before our lips met. “Bye, Cody.” I waved. He waved back and left.

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