23 -- Grape Soda and Broken Arms

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 Okay, so it's been another long time and I'm sorry, but I've been really busy lately! Hopefully it'll die down soon and I can get to writing more. So Alex and Danni are FINALLY together. Let's see what happens, shall we?

Thanks for reading! I love you guys! Please comment and vote!


All of the other guys were still sleeping. “It’s summer! Let’s go swimming!” I yelled waking them up. They  intention all groaned and got up. I smirked as we went to get changed into our bathing suits. Alex walked in. I blushed. I was tying my bikini. He smirked and walked over to me.

“Let me help you.” I held my bikini as he tied the back string. He put his hand on my side and pulled me backwards into him. He wrapped his arms around my waist. “Since we won’t be able to kiss at the pool.” He kissed my neck. I turned around and kissed him before a knock came on the door.

We both grumbled and walked out to the pool with Ryan watching our every move. Most of the guys were swimming around. Alex jumped in. I jumped next to him. He smiled that smile that I didn’t know what would happen. I looked at him confused. “What?” I asked carefully wondering if he had pulled a prank on me.

He laughed. “Nothing. You just look hot in a bikini.” I slapped my forehead. All of the guys stared at him. Was he trying to get them to break us up? He smirked. “Seriously, it’s just less clothing to take off,” he winked. All of the guys grabbed me away from him. “I was just kidding guys! I was just trying to get you all mad! Will you please give me her back?”

Garrett shook his head and swam me to the other side of the pool with me. I laughed. He dunked me and laughed. I grabbed him by his ear and jumped on top of him. He went underwater from my weight and shot back up making me fly out of the water and splash two feet in front of him. We all laughed.

We spent the rest of the day and night swimming. It was around midnight when Alex woke me up. “What the hell do you want? I’m sleeping, asshole,” I mumbled. He shushed me. “Don’t you shush me!”

He shushed me again quietly chuckling. “If you want to get out of here without the guys waking up I would suggest you shush,” he whispered in my ear. I nodded. He grabbed my hand and dragged me outside.

He smiled as he looked down at two towels and a basket full of bacon. He smiled. “I told you I was going to do this right,” he smiled. I laughed and gave him a quick kiss. We sat there and watched the stars.

Then the stories started coming. “Remember our first kiss?” I blushed and nodded. It wasn’t exactly your average kiss.

We were sitting in my backyard. Logan and Trevor were having a water gun fight. Me, Alex, Noah, Ashton, Ryan, and Garrett were doing bets. “I bet you won’t kiss Alex, Danni!” Ryan yelled.

My eyes got wide as I glared at him and then at Alex. “I don’t want to kiss Alex!” I yelled angrily. How could he make me kiss Alex? I had never kissed anybody and now my first kiss was going to be Alex? I hated Ryan. Ryan smirked. I sighed. I couldn't back down from a dare. I grabbed Alex. I stood on my tiptoes and closed my eyes as our lips met. Suddenly I felt water rush over me. I screamed and pulled back.

Trevor was cracking up at us. I looked at Alex. He was covered in purple stuff. I opened my eyes wide and looked down. I was covered in it too. “It’s just grape soda, Danni!” Ryan yelled laughing. I had been set up. First I had to kiss Alex and now I was covered in sticky grape soda? I was going to kill Ryan.

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