31 -- Melted Ice Cream and Kissing in the Rain

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Hey guys. Here it is. Sorry if it's been a long time. I still haven't gotten a break. :/ Stupid basketball. I doubt I'll be able to upload quickly until the season's over, and it just started so we'll have to wait a while.

Anyway I'm going to be gone for the next four days so I won't be able to write at all or upload because I can't take my laptop. Sorry, but oh well.

Thank you all so much for reading! You guys are the best and this story just keeps getting more and more reads so thank you all so much! I love you guys! Don't forget to comment, vote, fan. Enjoy!


I stuttered out, "M-Mom! I'm so sorry! I thought you were one of the guys trying to get on my nerves! I didn't mean to!"

She laughed and waved her hand. "It's fine honey. Just don't let me catch you saying that stuff again. But as long as it was meant for the boys, I'll let it slide," she winked at me, laughing. "I wanted to have a little talk, just me and you." I nodded and unwrapped Alex's arms from around me. He groaned and shifted positions falling back asleep.

Mom led me to the kitchen and poured both of us coffee. "I think that was the first time I had seen you and Alex together. I remembered Garrett telling me though. You two are adorable together."

I nodded not knowing what to say. She took a long sip and chuckled. "You know back before your parents started working more your mother and I made a little bet of our own." I raised an eyebrow interested. What could her and my mother possibly bet on? "She thought you would end up with Garrett, but I said no. I knew you and Garrett could never be more than friends."

I heard movement and we both looked back. "Danni!" Alex groaned. "Dammit I'm cold." He turned over and fell asleep.

We both laughed. "Anyway as I was saying I knew you and Garrett would always be best friends, but nothing more. I bet that you would end up with Alex." I gaped at her. How did she know that I would end up with Alex? She smiled and took another sip. "I always knew from the first day that Alex came over. You guys were outside hide-and-seek tag and Alex found you, but he never tagged you. You two sat there and stared at each other smiling. I knew from then that you would be together."

I thought back. I remembered that moment now that she brought it up.

Nobody could find me back here. It was the best hiding spot ever. I was in the bushes and Alex was 'it.' I could hear his footsteps. I held my breath as they got closer and closer to me. Was he going to find me? He turned around and I let out a breath of air that I had been holding.

He turned around sharply, hearing me. He saw me and he ran over. If he tagged me, my life was over. I would be forced to be 'it.' I couldn't go anywhere but straight at him, so there was no escaping what was going to happen. He stared at me, making no advancements and showing no signs that he was going to tag me just yet. He suddenly smiled his evil smile that I knew all-too-well. That's when I knew I was doomed and I would be 'it', but he didn't move forward.

I wondered how long he would prolong this torture. Couldn't he just tag me and get it over with? He knew I had no chance. But then he surprised me. He sat down across from me showing he had no intention of tagging me and dooming me. He stared at me and smiled. I smiled and stared back. I liked Alex. Me and him were going to be good friends.

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