07 -- Washboard Abs and Sparkly Poop

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Hey guys! I want to let you know that Being the Girl has just hit 1,000 views! I'm so excited! I want to thank all of my fans so much for reading, commenting, voting, fanning, and adding my book to your libraries! If it wasn't for you guys I would never have made it this far! I love you guys!

So I'm thinking about making a short story. It might be four or five parts and I'll update fast. It would be about a girl who was an investigator for the police. One day she has a very interesting client. So if you guys think it is a good idea chat me or leave a comment on my page telling me if I should or shouldn't.

Sorry for all the rambling. Thanks for reading! Please comment and vote!


He chuckled. “Busted. You have a boyfriend.”

I rolled my eyes. “No, a guy to win me a bet.”

He rolled his eyes this time. “You don’t have to act like you don’t like him around me, Danni. I know you have some feelings for the guy or you would have dumped him the next day like you told me you would do.” I blushed. “Busted again.”

“The only reason I’m keeping the kid is because I get more money if I’m the one who stays the longest, okay?” He shook his head. “It’s true, Ash. I want more money and I soon as I get it that kid is gone.”

Ashton smiled. “Keep telling yourself that, Danni, but it will never be true.”  He ruffled my hair.

I frowned. “Watch it asshole!” I yelled smacking his hand away. He laughed and I stomped off. I walked into the bathroom and washed my surprise out of my hair. Ashley walked in the bathroom.

“Ew, look who it is. She’s just trying to get the normal stuff out of her hair.” They all laughed at her lame joke.

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to my hair. “Ashley, are you just jealous that Alex chose me over you, like he would anytime.” She turned red and stomped out of the bathroom. I smiled.

I ran into someone when I walked out. This was like the third time today. “Okay this is getting old!” I looked up at Cody. “Oh, sorry, Cody. Haven’t been in the best mood today,” I smiled as he helped me up.

Garrett walked over and whispered in his hear. “She’s never in the best mood. But we think this week she’s PMSing.” I smacked his arm as Cody blushed bright red.

“Don’t you dare make my boyfriend uncomfortable.” He laughed and threw his hands up in surrender. I smiled and grabbed Cody’s arm. “Sorry about them. They’ll tell you anything about me if it makes me mad.”

He smiled and took my hand. “So tell me about your friends.”

I nodded. “Well it all starts with Garrett. He moved in next door when I was five. We were immediately best friends. We’ve been inseparable ever since. I started not being friends with girls the first day of kindergarten. Ashley said my drawing was terrible and I decided that I would only hang out with Garrett since girls were so judgmental. Then the others came.”

I smiled to myself at the memory. “They all became friends with Garrett and were quick to accept that me and Garrett were a package deal. Ashton was first, then Alex, Noah, Logan, Trevor, and Ryan. Ashton’s the nicest one, and the only one that can calm me down most of the time. Logan’s a pretty big prankster. Ryan’s pretty big on bets. Trevor’s pretty good at dares. Alex’s point in life is to make me miserable and annoy me. So that’s that. What about your friends?”

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