14 -- Fairy Wings and Dress Up

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 Hey everybody! The last chapter was a big one! Thanks for all the comments and opinions! A lot of people didn't see it coming. Which is how i like to write. Anyway a lot of you think you know what's going to happen now.

Thanks for reading. Please comment and vote. I love you guys!


I don’t know why I was kissing him. I wasn’t thinking straight at all. I needed to stop. Maybe just one more second… No now!

I pulled back. “Can we go, um, talk?” I asked. He nodded and I led him out of the room and into mine. All of the guys were too shocked to argue or protest against us leaving the game. I think they understood we needed to talk anyway.

We didn’t talk at first. We stared into each other’s eyes trying to find something to say. He walked over and grabbed my hands. “I love you Danielle Rachel Parks,” he whispered breaking the silence. He gently kissed my lips for a few seconds. “I love you more than anything.”

I looked away. I couldn’t do this. I pulled my hands away from his and ran to the other side of the room. “Alex you don’t understand. I like Cody, not you.”

He shook his head rapidly. “And what about all of the kissing? What about all of the sparks we feel? Don’t deny it! I know you feel them too! You have to!” He ran over to me and looked me in the eyes. “You have to,” he whispered.

I felt like an idiot for some unknown reason. “I-I do. I love kissing you! It makes me feel so amazing! But, I feel amazing when I kiss Cody too. Alex I don’t love you! I can’t love you!” I yelled.

He shook his head rapidly again. He kept scratching his head nervously too. “You can! Danni that dick isn’t right for you! He’s some nerd that’s the complete opposite of you! He doesn’t know you like I do Danni!” he yelled with desperation.

I looked down then up into his eyes. “What do you even know about me, huh?! Cody knows me better than you do!” I yelled in his face.

He took a deep breath in and out. I was so mad I could have ripped this boy’s face off right now. I didn’t know why I was so mad. Alex made me feel all emotions too intensely. One second I could be mad and the next be wanting to kiss him. I shook my head clearing my thoughts.

He calmly placed a hand on my face. I didn’t pull back. “You’re favorite color is blue and you hate pink. You love bacon. You’re parents aren’t ever home. Your first kiss was me. You are an expert mud pie maker. In fifth grade you-” I covered my hand over his mouth.

“You pinky swore you’d never say that out loud!” I laughed. He swept my bangs out of my face.

He stared deep into my eyes. “Does he even know you’re full name, or that you’re ticklish right here?” he started tickling me on my side. I bust out laughing. “Does he know that wish you were a guy so you could pee anywhere? Does he know that you get your beautiful  blue eyes from your mom? He doesn’t know anything about you, Danni. I do.”

I shook my head. Alex had just told me half of the secrets that nobody else besides my friends knew. I didn’t want to believe it though. I ran out of the room and downstairs and outside behind the bushes. I whipped out my phone and called Cody. “Danni?!”

“Cody! I know this doesn’t make any sense and I know I broke up with you but I need you to come down to Garrett’s house and pick me up right now! Please Cody!” I begged.

There was silence and I could hear the guys yelling my name looking for me. “I’ll be right there.” I waited outside shivering in the cold for five minutes. The guys voices called for me from inside the house, but they hadn’t come outside yet. I heard the doorbell ring from inside.

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