34 -- The F Bomb and the First Tears

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 Hey everyone! I'm really sorry it's been so long. I've still been super busy even though school is out. I've got holiday's coming up and this will probably be my last upload until next year sadly. I'm just not going to have time to write over the holidays. I've still got basketball and family is coming in to celebrate. It's just a lot of work. So this will be my last update until next year. Or at least after the 25th. I might have time to update then, but I doubt it. I'm really sorry everyone!

And as promised, the big twist in this chapter. Just... nobody hate me please... I know those aren't good words to say and now you're probably freaking out. So I'll let you read. Please comment, vote, and fan. It would mean the world to me! I love you guys!


The next month of my life was pure heaven on earth for me. After a week everyone had completely stopped making fun of me and Alex and even accepted us, even Braden and Reese didn’t try anything. Soccer started, me and the boys hung out, me and Alex went on dates. The world couldn’t get any more perfect for me. I never wanted it to end. Me and Alex were still going strong. Two months and he never lost interest like I thought he would.

I walked down the hall with Noah. The school was practically deserted by now. “Hey, I got to take a piss, Danni," he said.

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll meet you at the car.”

“No. Stay.” I rolled my eyes. Even after a month when nobody tried anything I still wasn’t allowed to walk in the halls alone. I stayed, but when he went into the bathroom I walked off. They could be too protective for their own good. At least they had completely accepted me and Alex now.

It was true. All of the guys let us kiss, hold hands, hug in front of them. They accepted that me and Alex were meant for each other finally. It took them long enough. I felt a rough arm jerk me back, making my thought disappear. I looked over at Braden. He smiled at me. I groaned. Not again. A full month without him. “Come on, sweetheart. I’ve got something to show you.”

I jerked my arm out of his grip. “Forget it, Braden.”

“Hey, I was just being nice. Nobody else had the heart to tell you that Ashley and your boyfriend are making out.” My body froze. It didn’t respond. My mind shut down. I almost went limp. My heart twisted in my chest. What did he just say?

I quickly regained control as I shook my head. “Stop lying, Braden. Alex loves me. He would never do that.”

Braden shrugged, a wicked smile on his face. “Come see for yourself, Danni.” He grabbed my arm and jerked me down the hall. I hesitantly followed. Only to show him that Alex would never do that to me. I followed him down a few twists and turns of the hallways before we got to the back of the school.

He motioned for me to be quiet as he turned a corner. I did the same. And then I saw it. My heart broke. Ashley was pushed against a locker and her and Alex were seriously making out. I watched in agony as it kept on and on. My body wouldn’t move. All I wanted to do was shut down and cry. But I was stronger than that. I had to be. I watched as he kissed her with all the passion he had ever kissed me with.

Thoughts ran through my mind even though they were hard to register. Was it true? Had he always been cheating on me with Ashley? Did he like her—love her even more than me? Was I just something to keep him busy for a while? And the next question was the one that hurt most of all. Had he even ever loved me to begin with? I didn’t want to know the answer. Not anymore. Not after I had been so sure what it was before this moment.

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